Another great one comes into mind. When Wax was with Rookland right before the switch to AH2. Wax and I decided to piss TT off on Trinity and ran a Jabo mission. I grabbed my trusty Hellcat. I dropped troops on a VH, and was now looking for something to drop 2k on.
Lo and behold, I see a Tiger about 200 yards from a different vbase. I nose in and let loose. "SYSTEM: You have shot down FireHwk#1". The WHINES and crying had reduced Wax and I to tears, as I was landing. I had the film to chuckle at for a while, but lost in a HD format. Whenever, his cheating arse would get snippy at someone, I'd "mention this one" and he'd get quiet.
Wax and I STILL laugh at this one. We figure he had WELL OVER 40 camping kills.