Author Topic: Changes to come.  (Read 31817 times)

Offline darxe

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« Reply #750 on: December 15, 2006, 08:33:23 AM »
Originally posted by Bruv119
interesting point zz3.

I'm sure the Brit/american pilots in 1944 said "oh chit" we better swap sides this is just darned unfair for poor old jerry.

I like seeing 80 bish 50 knits 50 rooks  it means some Bish are gonna get killed    :)

striving for an AH utopia where alls fair in love and war is impossible???

You are thinking of the Italians in 1943.   :rofl

Offline darxe

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« Reply #751 on: December 15, 2006, 08:43:26 AM »
Originally posted by TheBug
There's another saying.

What's the best way to piss your customer off??...............

Give him exactly what he wants. :)

Got to have a little faith they know what they are doing and in the end the results will be beneficial for all parties involved.  Voicing concerns, offering opinions as adults and using the proper channels to express them are all good things.  No one is saying we all have to agree.  But from some of the stuff I've seen people pull, never rule out the fact that sometimes "firing" a customer is a good thing.

If for one have a belief that HTC is pointing this game down a new and better path and am willing to ride out and speed bumps as they work towards the destination.

I am not convinced HT gave the customer exactly what he wanted.  I think they gave the few whiners what they wanted.  The squeky wheel get the grease saying.  There are customers HT who have been here for years.  They seem to like the game because they keep paying.  

As far as the balancing rules, the first problem is there are 3 sides.  What war is this?  If there are 3 balanced sides and each side is fighting the other 2, how do you win the war?  Wars are won by gaining momentum  (moral, resources) and crushing the enemy.  

If you want balance and realism, participate in the AH events they are great.

Offline Edbert

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« Reply #752 on: December 15, 2006, 08:43:55 AM »
Originally posted by darxe
You are thinking of the Italians in 1943.   :rofl

Close, but no. They switched to the side WITH numbers not without.
Originally posted by darxe

They gave the few whiners what they wanted.  The squeky wheel get the grease saying.  

Based on that comment I can only beleive that you do not know much about how HTC makes decisions.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2006, 08:46:01 AM by Edbert »

Offline 1Boner

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« Reply #753 on: December 15, 2006, 08:46:10 AM »
Originally posted by bj229r
OK..LW Blue...Nits 122...Rooks....88...Nits ENY..1.1? Bish in middle somewhere

That doesnt even stop LA7:eek:

                                so what?
"Life is just as deadly as it looks"  Richard Thompson

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Offline Oldman731

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« Reply #754 on: December 15, 2006, 08:49:35 AM »
Originally posted by hubsonfire
You might as well set it up in all the arenas, HT.

Just like AH1.99betasomethingorother, just like the capture setup, people will run from it. They will complain, and they will be very upset, even if they don't try it. If they have to try it, they will still complain, and they will still be very upset, but if it works, most will calm down, and order will be restored.

There is merit in this view.

- oldman

Offline bj229r

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« Reply #755 on: December 15, 2006, 08:59:39 AM »
« Last Edit: December 15, 2006, 09:07:58 AM by hitech »
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers

Offline scottydawg

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« Reply #756 on: December 15, 2006, 09:04:05 AM »
Fixed for AH2:


The Power Craver

Wants only one thing -- more power with less effort. Any downgrade in power is infuriating. Any upgrade is insufficient.

Sample Quote: "I can't believe they perked the 262 and the F4U-1C! How am I supposed to land 12 kills now?"

Punishment: Forced to admit that no matter how powerful in the game, still has a mullet and works as a cashier at Kroger in real life. ;)

The Sim Realist

Doesn't understand what a "game" is. Constantly makes arguments based on what would be "realistic," even if the game is set in a virtual world run by wizards and pixies.

Sample Quote: "You can't tell me the roll rate at 235 mph IAS at 7,350 feet on the Spit XVI is faster than the VIII. It says exactly the opposite on 3 different Internet sites I looked at today!"

Punishment: Sent back to kindergarten for remedial make-believe classes.

The Majority Stockholder

Seems to believe that $15 a month buys you a seat on the board of directors. Doesn't realize that a hundred thousand other people are ponying up the same amount.

Sample Quote: "I've e-mailed the developers several times telling them that the new arena system is utter crap. They haven't changed it, but they're still taking my money!"

Punishment: Forced to work customer service for an online game company.

The Emancipator

Sees the game as a titanic struggle between the evil expressive developers and the poor, downtrodden gamers. The evidence? Every rule and limitation in the game.

Sample Quote: "I don't see why I have to fly early war planes in the early war arena! If I want to fly a 262 in EWA, that's my right! Quit telling me how to play!"

Punishment: Sent to Sudan to experience first-hand what oppression actually feels like.

The Eternal Quitter

Just comes on the forum to let everyone know he's quitting for good and to spend a dozen paragraphs explaining why. Then does it again three DAYS later.

Sample Quote: "For real, this time."

Punishment: Forced to actually quit.

One-Issue Poster

Only has one complaint, but posts about it 15 times a day. This is because nobody else cares.


Punishment: Speedometer on the F4U-1 moved an additional 3 inches in the wrong direction.

The Deathmonger

Main complaint about the game is that you can't kill everything. Secondary complaint is that the things you can kill don't suffer enough.

Sample Quote: "Why can't I see body parts fly out of the hangars when I bomb them?  We should be able to kill gunners on bombers and get a separate kill for that too!  Kills for troops also.  I want to see blood spraying out of the cockpit when I hit a pilot!"

Punishment: To be determined, pending DNA analysis of freezer contents.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2006, 09:08:27 AM by scottydawg »

Offline BansheCH

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« Reply #757 on: December 15, 2006, 09:09:56 AM »
Originally posted by Kev367th
Main difference -
It happens when there isn't the most customers on.

Bit like -
Would I do a network or server upgrade with everybody at work, even though I'm there to fix any problems?
Or wait until it was quiet, or late afternoon when most have left.
Whole idea is that any problems affects as few people as possible, not as many as possible.
By the time the 'main' group comes into work eveything is running smoothly.

Ok Kev, I You strike a valid point with not many customers on during that time. I will give you that. My whole point is and this is comeing from sombody that has worked on designing multi player online games. Sometimes it is better to release a fix,patch,update whatever during peak time to get the best results. Here is another point. If Hitech does relese it hes not just going to walk away from it. This is something I know from experience. If I am changeing something in my game that I know is gonna make a huge impact. Then chances are the coffee is on and its going to be a long day and night. I am right there if something goes wrong. Thats because I own it and I can come to work whenever I want. I don't have to be at the office to fix it. I don't even have to get out of bed. I Just turn on my laptop and fix whatever is wrong.

See I don't know what your work is but this ita not like letting a product go out the door. Then find out there's something wrong. Then you are not there to service it. Take the product back and replace it whatever I don't know what you do. This is a online product. Aslong as there is power and battery backups also willing all types of phones are working and you are still alive. Then its pretty easy to get to. Infact there isnt a single place I can goto that my laptop won't work. Catch my drift?
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Offline Edbert

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« Reply #758 on: December 15, 2006, 09:10:16 AM »

:rofl :lol :rofl :lol :rofl :lol

Offline Airscrew

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« Reply #759 on: December 15, 2006, 09:24:34 AM »
:aok  Scotty  :lol

Offline Airscrew

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« Reply #760 on: December 15, 2006, 09:31:10 AM »
Originally posted by hubsonfire
You might as well set it up in all the arenas, HT.

Just like AH1.99betasomethingorother, just like the capture setup, people will run from it. They will complain, and they will be very upset, even if they don't try it. If they have to try it, they will still complain, and they will still be very upset, but if it works, most will calm down, and order will be restored.

I would say set it up in either EWA or MWA and 1 of the LWA with a higher cap.   If you set it up in all arenas then some may not play at all or give it a chance.   If they try it and dont like it then there is an alternate arena to play in.  
Setting it up in the EWA or MWA might give you some idea how the new capture system would work during EU hours

Offline 96Delta

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« Reply #761 on: December 15, 2006, 09:40:45 AM »
All arenas for the weekend.

(1) all players would experience the change so sentiment could be accuratelty gauged across all arenas.
(2) weekend introduction would insure the largest number of players who actually experienmce the change firsthand.

Originally posted by hitech
JB88: Have a real world question for you. I have completed the new capture war win system.

Now the choices I face.

I'm fairly sure it will help with the current country balances between arena.
If it helps, the current balancing system should hardly ever take effect. I.E. no waiting.

So now the choices.
1. Can put it into the mid war.
2. Can put it into 1 late war arena.
3. Can put it into all arenas.

I can release it today or some other day. Under your "predictablity" I should wait until Monday to implement it.

If it works as expected, it would be much better to have it up for the weekend.

So now lets not debate the actual system, but just the launch.

What would your choices be.

« Last Edit: December 15, 2006, 09:43:01 AM by 96Delta »

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Offline hubsonfire

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« Reply #762 on: December 15, 2006, 10:12:50 AM »
Originally posted by Airscrew
[BI would say set it up in either EWA or MWA and 1 of the LWA with a higher cap.   If you set it up in all arenas then some may not play at all or give it a chance.   If they try it and dont like it then there is an alternate arena to play in.  
Setting it up in the EWA or MWA might give you some idea how the new capture system would work during EU hours [/B]

Delta's sentiments pretty much match my own. If you give some folks the option, they'll avoid it completely. I think it's better that A) they get a chance to try it and offer some feedback based on experience, and not the kneejerk panic response that's associated with any change, and  B) it's not like change has ever really been optional around here. There will be more changes, might as well jump in with both feet.
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I was wondering why I get ignored so often.  -Hitech

Offline bj229r

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« Reply #763 on: December 15, 2006, 10:20:49 AM »
Originally posted by bj229r

dang I thought it was funny, albeit nothing to do with subject at hand
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Offline Airscrew

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« Reply #764 on: December 15, 2006, 10:21:45 AM »
I agree with that, I dont have a problem with him setting it up in all 4 arenas,  I'm guessing he may not do that though, and if he's not going to do all 4 then at least do the EW or MW.   And probably should start today before 3pm