Author Topic: A humble question...  (Read 1170 times)

Offline Mr No Name

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A humble question...
« Reply #30 on: December 12, 2006, 11:45:16 PM »
88 if you disagree with the "Bulletin Board Horde" they gotta call ya names or attempt to denigrate you in some manner.  Just say what you came here to say and do what I did, start an email list of likeminded individuals... communicate that way.
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Offline JB88

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A humble question...
« Reply #31 on: December 12, 2006, 11:49:55 PM »
Originally posted by Mr No Name
88 if you disagree with the "Bulletin Board Horde" they gotta call ya names or attempt to denigrate you in some manner.  Just say what you came here to say and do what I did, start an email list of likeminded individuals... communicate that way.

you make a good point.  and i do do that...

though i have to say that i am pretty much one of the bullitin hoarders lately... o'club mostly.  it's much much worse in there.  they have to have 8 MP's (or is it 9) armed with full censorship powers patrolling the area lest it degrade into something that more closely resembles the ramblings of a drunken sailor in an army bar.
this thread is doomed.  

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Offline wojo71

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A humble question...
« Reply #32 on: December 13, 2006, 12:12:18 AM »
I like flying for the rooks I don't see what wrong with that. The rooks are where my friends are , where  I learned how to play/fly the game. Its where people I have met in the last 3 years are mostly and I enjoy the game that way. I don't really play for the thrill of the chase/kill I enjoy the game more for the people I meet/talk to while playing. And on a side note we had a hard time getting the sqd together  before now it almost frickin impossible. I think the squads are a big part of what makes the game fun. The mid and early I think were a good idea and I enjoy the mid arena a lot but I feel the MA thing is broke as it is now.

thats my 2 cents

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Offline Bruv119

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A humble question...
« Reply #33 on: December 13, 2006, 12:25:40 AM »
Ok well last night.....

Bish had 50 knights 40 rook 20.

arena cap is reached no-one else can get in.

ENY for bish is at 5 or less.  people waiting on bish about 7  but for some reason side balancing was disabled?????  

End result Bish take HQ base after a couple of hours of skilless people died trying for them to swarm the place like a bunch of cockroaches  30 +  etc.

Then whilst cutting a lone figure trying to kill them their flying around in 163's and i even saw a 262 at one point.  

Whilst my kills were good and many I fail to see how the "new changes" are helping in "balancing" the teams....

At the end of the evening after logging i saw the MW arena had 150 people in and no-one bothered to tell me  lol  dam.

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Offline Guppy35

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A humble question...
« Reply #34 on: December 13, 2006, 12:32:05 AM »
Originally posted by FALCONWING
sorry ackack i have to disagree...

people were they must have liked it...they could have CHOSEN to fix it but they didnt...

take off the biased glasses you and guppy wear and realize that that means......THEY LIKED IT AND IT WAS FUN!!!!

stop being so high and mighty and realize that most of these guys are smart educated highly motivated folks and not a bunch of illiterate morons...if they chose not to change something then they must be ok with it....

i guess the lessons of empty DA, AvA, and now EW dont emphasize my point enough

and if you have forgotten, go back over the last 6 years on this bbs and see how often there was side imbalance which was never dealt with in such a heavy handed manner...instead over time things worked out...BECAUSE PLAYERS ARE SMART AND WILL DO WHAT IS FUN!!!

im not sure this last change was so terrible...didnt really seem to affect us at all..which was my usual a change doesnt come close to solving a just causes unecessary controversy....

You suggesting that AKAK and I are behind the change?  We've somehow convinced Hitech to change his game design?

Wow!  No idea I had such power.

Guess that guy in one of the arenas who accused me of ruining the game was right :)

Must be an AH P38 Pilot's Associaton conspiracy at work:noid
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Offline hubsonfire

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A humble question...
« Reply #35 on: December 13, 2006, 12:53:35 AM »
If you can't find fun, friendships, comradery, simulated cartoon airplane combat, or some sort of positive experience out of this game, the problem is you, not the changes.
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Offline Trikky

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A humble question...
« Reply #36 on: December 13, 2006, 04:22:53 AM »
Originally posted by trotter
I'm sorry but what does this really mean? I've heard this floated around a lot, I believe even HT himself referred to the old MA as a "slum"


What, were so many people in one arena making for poor sanitary conditions? Did anyone get sick from flying there?

Does it mean that it was dangerously lawless? Did anyone get mugged flying late night? The only thing I can think of was that people had bad attitudes. If the MA was disbanded because a few peoples feelings got hurt on channel 200 that is truly sad.

For real, though, I'm sure there is an explanation for everyone using such similar terms to describe the old MA. Can someone fill in those of us whose memories of the place resemble nothing like a sewer?

Edit- I'm not complaining or whining about bringing the old MA back, just curious about the terminology. Sorry to somewhat hijack this thread.
It was worse than any of the things you've mentioned, endless processions of high alt 1 pass and run late war monsters who's only intention would be to catch you afk or wait for their 40 friends to turn up. Its not healthy.

It has created the kind of player we have now, and this is unfortunately real, who will bail if they see a red dar bar in the sector. One player in the MWA does this regularly when he's dive bombing HQ in his Lancasters. He does nothing he couldnt do offline, as he never actually fights, apart from being able to blah about it on 200.

He will bail if you get into icon range, and if you manage to catch him, tell everyone on 200 how your entire squad cheats while pm'ing you with idiotic ravings which would get him muted.

The old MA and this behaviour is directly linked in my opinion. In my experience playing this game, people have always run, and I'm not advocating every Dora turn fights a Spit, but I've never seen people bail rather than fight till recently, and this guy isn't the only one.

Offline MrRiplEy[H]

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A humble question...
« Reply #37 on: December 13, 2006, 12:05:50 PM »
« Last Edit: December 13, 2006, 12:22:08 PM by hitech »
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Offline DadRabit

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« Reply #38 on: December 13, 2006, 12:11:52 PM »
S! Zuum.........

K.I.S.S.  :aok
David (Daddy Rabbit) Jester
S! 68KO
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Offline MrRiplEy[H]

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A humble question...
« Reply #39 on: December 13, 2006, 01:13:36 PM »
Originally posted by hubsonfire
I think you guys are right. I think everyone who's helped successfully run this game for 5 or 6 years now is just absolutely ****ing stupid, and they probably made this change just because of a post they read on here, and I'll bet they didn't look at subscriber info, or talk to anyone on the phone, or folks who took the time to visit their office, or spend time in game, or anything. In fact, I bet they haven't put a single bit of thought into anything they've ever done. I mean, come on, they just built this game out of nothing, it can't be that hard.

You idiots.

Heh in a perfect world no company ever makes any mistakes or goes bankrupt. I'm sure hubsonfire would last about 10 minutes in business. :aok
Definiteness of purpose is the starting point of all achievement. –W. Clement Stone

Offline Laurie

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A humble question...
« Reply #40 on: December 13, 2006, 01:32:46 PM »
See Rule #4/#5 (did fine until that last little pointless shot)
« Last Edit: December 13, 2006, 01:48:36 PM by Skuzzy »