"Terror in the Starboard Seat" by Dave McIntosh. A great book written by a Canadian who flew as a navigator (thus the "starboard seat" part of the title) in a Mosquito for the RAF. I've never read a more honest and humorous book about WWII aviation.
For example, he tells of how terrified he would get when flying through ack and other ground fire, so scared that he would be unable to speak. The pilot would be asking him questiong, but he could not get his mouth to move. He describes circling German airfields at night, waiting for planes to land, shooting down a V1, and once shooting at a man, presumably German, who was resting on the balcony of a building. Of course that didn't make it into the flight report.
Interestingly, there one bombing run was a failure. I think they made three passes at the intended target, a bridge, but couldn't hit it. So, if I remember correctly, they did mostly attack and recon missions.