Author Topic: We need to wake up !!!  (Read 628 times)

Offline Saintaw

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We need to wake up !!!
« on: February 08, 2000, 03:29:00 AM »
Come on guys what is happening ???
Since Sunday there seems to be a total lack of "order and coordination" with the bishops...most of us are flying singleton, and othing seems to be organised...
Or, when poeple try to organise something, no one listens to him (ie : MarkVZ left us for that reason yesterday, as he called in for a Strategic move, and most of the bishops were not even answering....)

    It is not my style to move from one country to another (Some poeple do it, I don't opinion on that realy, it's just that I am stubborn...). So as yesterday we were heavily outnumbered and attacked both by the knights, the Rooks and their one was answering calls, I found myself facing a whole rook base on my own (Lepht, would you PLEASE leave my 6 alone, thank you....   )

Where are those great strikes that we used to organise on the red HQ's ??? Are all the Bishe's gone when the CC check came in ?

Thumbs up to the Rooks who were taking one of our field after the other, I hope they enjoyed that little Nikki biting and clawing at them, being outnumbered 7 to  1   ...I have to say I enjoyed that pretty much, even if My ratio came was fun !



DCO 186th Wardogs (Falcon4 Squad)
"Firepower Mate, that is what separates the men from the boys..."

[This message has been edited by Saintaw (edited 02-08-2000).]
Dirty, nasty furriner.

Offline Saintaw

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« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2000, 05:41:00 AM »
Thank you wolverine, please let me quote you...this should help :
Close Escort Tactics
by Wolverine [wlvrn], 33rd Strike Group
During a bombing mission, it is imperative to have adequate fighter cover for your bombers during the mission. It's a lot more difficult than it sounds. You just can't throw your fighters up there and expect them to be able to protect those big crates.


Well, your crates must fly in formation for mutual protection. They cannot make evasive maneuvers. The enemy need only make one pass to disable one of your bombers so that it cannot stay in formation and therefore drops away and is vulnerable.

Your escort must be able to intercept the enemy before he gets the chance to set up an attack run.

How [position].

Close escort requires that your planes be in good position BEFORE the fight begins (this applies to online gaming arenas, not history where close escort did not have the luxury of icons). Generally, positions taken up on the high 11 and 1 o'clock of the bomber formation are adequate. A trailing fighter high 6 is also advisable, though two at the 5 and 7 positions is ideal.

Perfect conditions for escort are winged pairs instead of single fighters, but as it's always tough to find those numbers, one will have to suffice.

The forward fighters should be a good distance away. Rear fighters should also be high and a bit away.

How [engagement].

Rule number one of close escort.


Rule number two of close escort.


Lets take a single plane engagement. In other words, a single intercept fighter is sighted headed towards your bomber stream at a slightly lower altitude from 2 o'clock.

The fighter stationed at 1 o'clock should sluff off and stay high and dive on the enemy plane. Make a pass on it and zoom back up into position.

What you're trying to do is get the enemy fighter to go evasive and loose energy. If you get the one pass kill, great. If not, you've caused him to break off his attack on the bombers temporarily. Meanwhile, you have the energy to zoom back up and take up your position again. If he continues to press the attack (prolly from behind now due to his loosing speed), the fighter in best position should again, dive and zoom, make the fighter break his attack.

NEVER FOLLOW THE FIGHTER EVASIVE. You've won the fight if he dives away, he's taken himself out of the fight. Your staying alive is more important to the mission.

Always return to position.

When more than one fighter are attacking, you must follow the same procedures. Say we have two fighters from 3 o'clock. The fighters at 1 and 7 should sluff off to engage and drive them away, the other fighters should then take their positions at 1 and 7 and continue on. Once the interceptors have been repelled, return to formation.

This is all contingent that you have the altitude advantage. The ability to zoom out after making your dive on them is key, you must get back into formation.

Co-Altitude and Alt-disadvantaged fights are a bit trickier. Your only way to really stop the fighters is prolly when they're already on their run on the bombers.

One thing you have to remember ... they're going to go for the bombers. You have taken a position above the bombers. Therefore, if they go after the buffs, they have to go under you.

If you see high bogies, do not panic. Keep your high positions. If he dives on the bombers, have the nearest in position follow him down, then have the opposite fighter be ready to catch the interceptor on his zoom past the bombers. Once the 'opposite fighter' picks up the interceptor on it's zoom out, the first fighter that followed it down should get back into 'scort position. Your goal is (besides shooting him down) to DRIVE HIM BELOW THE BOMBERS and keep him there.

Above all, never leave those bombers.

Cover each other's spots (if the two right escort leave to engage, have one left fighter cover their spots until they return).

Never think KILL. Think DRIVE AWAY.

You position again, should be high and at the 1, 2, 5, and 7 spots on the buffs. Preferably in winged pairs.

Hope those tips help. They've come from 4 years of of playing escort in the squad. Comments welcome.

Dirty, nasty furriner.

Offline Kieren

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« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2000, 07:50:00 AM »

Happens on all sides, and unpredictably. Sometimes things click, sometimes they don't.

Let me give you another perspective.

Sometimes I have a long time to spend when I log on; I might grab a buff and do a long strike (did one last night!) and help in a base capture. I might grab a C47 and park it off the enemy perimeter and wait for the call. Might even CAP a base (funny, the one thing I don't seem to enjoy is vultching).

Other nights I might have only a short time to play, or just be in the mood to blow off some steam.  Finding the nearest fight might be all that I have in mind.

Some nights are good, some are bad. Sorry to hear about Mark, but I suspect it was more than a few bad nights that made him leave. Based on what I read in another thread, I'm pretty sure I'm right.  

Final thought; there are times a few people on a team might be trying to capture a base, defend, whatever. Despite all their best efforts, they may fail. Inevitably some person goes off on country channel talking about how pathetic those guys are, useless, losers, the whole smear. When I hear that I get an overwhelming urge to switch sides and hunt the guy down. Not saying you or anyone in particular does this, but it does nothing but build enmity when it happens. I can tell you, the last thing I would do is to help someone like that.

As far as the Bishops being outnumbered? Don't believe it. I have never logged on and seen it. I spent the whole weekend as a Knight, and saw nothing but Bishops taking over the world. The classic "off-the-map-six-35K-B17's-on-HQ" raid comes to mind... at that time there were something like 45 Bish, 39 Rook, 20 Knight. Guess who was getting beaten up?  

Offline Saintaw

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« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2000, 07:57:00 AM »
  Ok, i guess I just logged in at wrong times then...well, I had fun anyway  

And we were outnumbered yesterday 21:00 GMT to  00:00 15 Bish's  45 Rooks and 25 Knits when I looked at the Radio.

As Heater Says : toejam happens  

Cheerio !


DCO 186th Wardogs (Falcon4 Squad)
"Firepower Mate, that is what separates the men from the boys..."
Dirty, nasty furriner.

Offline Wanker

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« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2000, 09:07:00 AM »
Don't worry too much about it, Saintaw. The level of organization will come & go on a regular basis. As Kieren so deftly pointed out, some of us would like to help take bases, etc. But our free time alotment for the night may not allow us more than a few quick sorties. I have a young son(1 yrs old), so I have to take my flying time when I can get it.

Another problem facing each country is leadership & cooperation. I think most of us who have flown in various sims for many years, get tired of the little Napoleans out there who think they are God's gift to a country. They bark out orders, etc. and are basically ignored by most folks.

If you want my advice on how to form cooperation, it's this: Get to know your fellow countrymen, and establish a rapport with them. Once that happens, you'd be surprised how many people will agree to go on a mission with you.

Blue Skies!  

**MOL** (Men of Leisure)

Offline Saintaw

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« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2000, 11:44:00 AM »
LOL, Ok I will Shut up and listen  

Same to you : Blue Skies  


DCO 186th Wardogs (Falcon4 Squad)
"Firepower Mate, that is what separates the men from the boys..."
Dirty, nasty furriner.