While turning and burning with Tonys and Kates crawling all over the sky is fun... Last night held no less excitment, for me anyways.
The Nightmares lifted by flights ( TBMs, Heavy Hogs, Heavy Hellcats) and we climbed outbound to the search area. The Hogs went high and ahead to plow the road, the Cats hung with and slightly above the Turkeys as they plugged away to the target. It wasn't nearly as furry as I thought it might be... We arrrived on time on target, put the Big Y down per orders, and got the hell outa Dodge. On the return trip we scatterd some but the fighters still mantained alt on the TBMs to defend as we withdrew as a organized squad. For the most part ( I think we lost maybe 3-4 at the ramp) we all trapped in good order and unmolested.
We acomplished our mission, took no losses to hostile fire, and got back to the boat together. As a SNA Midshipmen bound for P'Cola thats how I hope EVERY time I go up in the air turns out. Anticlimatic? Maybe, but over the BG I still had a pretty decent Pucker Factor going on.
Furball: No
Well planned, lead, and exicuted strike mission: Hell Yeah.
Proud to fly Air Mare