Author Topic: just got a stick  (Read 472 times)

Offline discopants

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just got a stick
« on: January 15, 2007, 10:55:14 AM »
was flying with a mouse but now im hooled  so i got a stick and how do i go about installing it  and uninstalling my mouse as a controller??  any help  please??  cheers  guys

Offline Max

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just got a stick
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2007, 11:27:04 AM »
Connect your joystick into your computer. Open up Control Panels > Game Controlers and check to see if your stick appears in the window. Click Properties and look for a calibration option. Upon calibration click OK and close CP's.

Open AH and bring up your clipboard. Click on > OPTIONS > CONTROLLERS > MAP CONTROLLERS. You should see your joystick in the upper right window. If you don't, post back again. If you do, click on the DEFAULT MAP button on the upper left. Click OK and you should now have a basic, working joystick.

You can adjust views, reassign buttons to your liking. All this "how to" infor may be found at

Good luck!

If you need further info let us know what kind of joystick you have.

Offline Schatzi

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« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2007, 11:39:58 AM »
Actually Max,

the most recent stuff is on
Check the "Game Setup" Section.
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Offline Max

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« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2007, 11:41:13 AM »
Thanks for the heads-up Schatzi. :aok

Offline discopants

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« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2007, 11:47:36 AM »
max  your a star bud!   got me j/s up now have to configure it so i take it the z axis is is and  down?  whats the left and right ? on a stick push left the plane will go left ?  but is  that  elevators? aileron??  see  im  lost??

Offline discopants

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« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2007, 01:07:49 PM »
strange this i get on runway engine ticking over auto piolet on? and no throttle !!  sorted  throttle  but then start taxi run and plane dives to left  sever,ey!!!  no  control  whatsoever  now im sweating  here  lost and out of ideas!!!  helpppppppppppp

Offline Schatzi

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« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2007, 01:13:01 PM »
Ok, first a few clarifications on how you actually "steer" your plane while flying (or while taxiing on the ground). You use its control surfaces. Moving them changes the airflow and thus the direction your plane is going at - much like turning the steering wheel on your car moves your tires on the tarmac which in turn makes your car change direction.

In this picture you can see the Surfaces used to control a plane:


To change direction of travel with a plane, all surfaces have to "work together". Each of them changes one axis of movement.


Ailerons: they make your plane roll around its longitudinal axis.
To control the ailerons you have to move your Joystick/Mouse left and right.

Elevator: Finally the answer to your question  . The elevator makes your planes nose go low or high (ie pitch).
To control the elevator, move Joystick/Mouse forward to nose down (dive) and towards you to climb.

Rudder: The rudder makes your nose go left and right. While in the air, it is not of much use to turn, it mostly causes your plane to fly "sideways" and helps roll You need it later for advanced maneuvering and fighting. It is very important to steer the plane while on the ground though (taxiing on the runway) and for takeoff (to keep plane straight).
If you have a twisty Joystick, you can map rudder control to the twist axis of the stick. If you do not have that or are using a mouse, use the key commands for rudder: A for left, D for right and S to center rudder.

Flaps: At low speeds, they help your plane keep its nose up as they create additional lift (ie pull the wings upwards). They are used for landing and when in real slow and close fights.

Now for example, to make a turn while in the air (i said rudder isnt really effective) you need ailerons and elevator working together. Roll your plane to the side you want to turn to (about 45 degrees) and then pull back on elevator to start your turn. To stop, remove the elevator input and roll back upright.
More basic maneuvers can be found on the Trainers Homepage.

Now back to your stick setup in Map Controllers:

The respective axis on your Joystick simply gets mapped to the analog input in Aces High... you can reverse axis if you prefer that for some.

X Axis - Analog input Roll (Aileron) - move stick left/right
Y Axis - Analog input Pitch (Elevator) - move stick forward/backward
Z Axis - Analog input Throttle1 - move throttle lever
Z Rotation - Analog input Yaw (Rudder) - move twisty/rocker

The other axis/rotaries are the sliders and rotary buttons (if you have any on your stick).... if you want to, you can map those to Trim functions or any other analog input.

If youre in doubt about wich axis is which - move it on your Joystick: The numbers in the respective brackets (on the list) will change.
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Offline Schatzi

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« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2007, 01:18:25 PM »
Originally posted by discopants
sorted  throttle  but then start taxi run and plane dives to left  

What pulls you to the left (in most planes, some will pull to the right) is engine torque and propwash effects. To counter those on takeoff (when they are most noticable), you need to lock your tailwheel (to stop it from veering) by pulling back on your stick about 1/3. Then use the RUDDER to keep the plane straight on the runway. Be careful with the rudder input, you do not need full deflection to counter... try to get a feel for hom much.

Then, as you gain speed, engine torque gets less noticable. Center your Joystick again and let the plane gain speed. Do not pull up too quickly, as you will stall out if you do. Lift of very very slowly and wait till you get about 180 mph (depending on plane a little bit) speed before you start climbing and maneuvering.

I posted this link before:
I seriously recommend you read through all the info you can find on there (especially the "Read These First!", "Game Setup", "Learning the Game" and the "Learning to Fly" Sections). It will save you on asking a lot of questions here.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2007, 01:21:42 PM by Schatzi »
21 is only half the truth.

Offline Max

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« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2007, 01:55:13 PM »
Schatzi - your Tangerine N1K sho is purdy! :rofl

Offline discopants

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« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2007, 02:58:06 PM »
cheers  shatzi  but i was  asking  was  is this ok?? z axis(0)analog inputs pitch(elevation)
y (32262) analog inputs roll(aileron)
x(32767) blank??
       the others  such as  guns etc  can  wait !
  then  when i was  flying with a mouse  the auto piolet came on by itself  now with a stick  theres  no sign of it at all???  hope i dont sound like a dummy  bud  but im struggling  with this  stick set  up  i  always  thort the  z axis was ya up n down and the x n y  was ya  keft  right  combo?? or have i got that all wrong

Offline 1cemanVS

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« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2007, 03:03:34 PM »
y is forward and back, which should be elevators
x is right and left which is ailerons
z is the twisty function (if you have it) and controls the rudder

as to autopilot, cud be turned off when u spawn on the runway due to joystick spikes, try increasing the deadband of your axis in-game or in the control panel.

if you do not know how to do so, post again.

Offline Murdr

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« Reply #11 on: January 15, 2007, 03:06:18 PM »
Standard is X=roll, y=pitch, z=throttle, z rotation=rudder.

While in the map controller screen in the clipboard, just move 1 axis at a time, and note which axis with the numbers in parenthesis responds.  Moving stick fwd/back should be pitch.  Left/Right should be roll.  If you have a dial or slider on your stick that is an axis, that is likely your throttle.  Throttle should be set as "throttle 1"

Offline Schatzi

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just got a stick
« Reply #12 on: January 15, 2007, 03:59:42 PM »
Originally posted by Max
Schatzi - your Tangerine N1K sho is purdy! :rofl

Hehe, I was actually looking for maximum contrast in Photoshop.... orange over blue was the best I could get :).
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