Originally posted by discopants
how do you flare then using a mouse controlled plane??
Hi again discopants!
So youre using mouse

. Make sure you mapped your mouse fully in the OPTIONS > CONTROLS > Map Controller Menu. Instructions on how to do that can be found
here or on the page Dicho pointed you at.
Landing: To learn how to land, take a plane thats easy to land - like the Hurricane Mk2 or FM2 or P38. Make sure you dont have any rockets, bombs or external fuel with you, as the additional weight and drag makes landing more difficult.
Make sure you know where the speed indicator, the climb rate indicator and altmeter in your plane are. You need to monitor those gauges for landging (at least untill you got a feel for speeds and sink rate - after the 500th landing or so

Set up your approach from far enough out. Give yourself time for adjustments. 6000 yards (thats basically icon range) is a good start - you can use the drones overhead to judge distance. Start your lineup at an altitude of about 1000 feet above ground.
Then chop throttle (mouse wheel) to iddle to slow down. start descending in a straight line towards the runway. As your speed drops below 180 mph, lower gear (G) and flaps (Q, if the plane has more then one notch of flaps, press repeatedly). This will help you loose speed even more (drag!) but also push your nose up and make the plane a little wobbly at first. Get used to that "new feel".
Now you should be approaching towards the runway at about 120 mph and roughly 200 feet. Do NOT aim for the runway - if you do, you usually hit it hard. Aim your nose towards the far end of the runway. Keep your nose high.
At this point, your just above stall speed (you might hear the buzz sounding already). Your controls will "reverse" - that means: Speed control is actually your elevators (mouse). Point nose down - gain speed, point nose up - slow down. To control your altitude, keep nose up and use the THROTTLE. throttle up - lower sink rate, throttle iddle - higher descent.
Monitor your sink rate at this point... it should be under 1000 ft/min (ie needle between 0 and -1). Let the plane "fall" onto the runway, nose high. Throttle up a little to "soften the blow" and lower sink rate at last moment.
When your down, throttle idle immediatly and pull back slightly on mouse to lock the tailwheel. Let the plane just roll for a second or two and loose more speed. Then carefully apply wheel brakes (Space).
Now, do not worry about 3-point-landings, flaring, or even landing on the runway at first. That are things that will come with experience and practice. Whats important is the approach, speed/sink rate and that you get the plane down undamaged! You can always taxi (with the help of rudder and wheelbrakes) onto concrete for a "landed successfully".