Ok, I'm a little surprised how many of our armchair aviators just don't get it...
Look, A propeller or a jet, they act on AIR, not on the ground. You see, this is why they keep working when the plane loses contact with the ground... Get it?
Ok, so you have this conveyor and it will match GROUND SPEED....
That doesn't matter because ground speed doesn't fly airplanes... AIRSPEED fly's airplanes.
All you need to do is get the wings moving in the air and the required speed. The speed of the ground (or a belt under the wheels) is absolutely irrelevent.
As soon as the propeller (or jet) can get enough forward velocity moving over the wing (forget the ground kids, it doesn't matter, we are pushing air, not belts) it will fly...
This is why a plane standing still can take flight if you blow enough air on it (which is why we tie them to hooks on the ground...) .. If you take a Piper Cherokee and you weld the wheels to the axles so that it can not roll at all... Then you get a big freakin fan and you blow air over the wings at 120 mph, that byotch is going to leave the ground... Absolutely...
And if you do the same trick with a 747 and you increase the airflow to 200 mph, the same thing is going to happen...
Airplanes don't give a toss about ground... You see, this is why they fly.
The most shocking part to me is that I have seen some of you pretend to be smart in other threads... now I know that your frame of reference was a salad bar.
To support my position... Make a good paper airplane and set it on your floor (it doesn't even have wheels)
Blow on that paper airplane with all your lung power (or if you are lazy, get a fan)... Guess what, it moved... It lifted up and left where it was.
Done, g'nite... Mail me a check.