i'm sorry, but i believe you are over thinkin this...but i'll try again.
AIR is at zero, thus AIRspeed=groundspeed, right?
so golfer, I'm not saying it's riding the conveyer....it implies that the conveyer will only match the wheel's SPEED in the opposite direction of the wheels travel...the ground moves which way if the wheel spins forward??? It moves from the front to the back of the plane, right...so if the conveyer tried to reverse that motion, it would move from back to front right??? pretty simple there.
lukster, It says WHEEL SPEED,.....RPM or the wheel's AIRspeed...this is just arguing semantics....i.e. in your car you have a speedometer...it is not telling you wheel speed, but instead speed of the vehicle....these things are measured in two seperate ways, the wheels speed would be measured in RPM's....same here ..
if the conveyer matches wheel's forward speed in the opposite direction the net gain is zero...period..1-1=0 100-100=0 This would be the outcome if your using wheel RPM. This part should not be too confusing...the conveyer IS NOT matching the aircrafts speed in the opposite, jus the wheel's speed........even if you thought the conveyer was moving the opposite of the wheel's AIRspeed thus making them spin forward times two.....the friction on the bearings of a wheel spinning 120 kts would not overcome the thrust of the prop...really, cause thats what bearings are for....so lukster, i believe we are in fact saying the same thing...I just didnt explore the AIRspeed version since wheel speed should mean RPM's
the prop produces enough thrust to pull the aircraft with NO...and I repeat...NO relevance to what the wheels are doin..(unless brakes are applied, or if the nose wheel is turned of course)
here's a simple thought for ya, too...a seaplane takes off into the wind, thus the water at the surface is typically moving in the same direction as the wind, the opposite of the aircraft direction.....The prop of that plane can pull itself against the water (which produces FAR, FAR , FAR more friction than a bearing at any speed) and the aircraft will eventually attain enough lift to fly....in our riddle, U can spin those wheels backward or forward as fast as you want (although we have seen that the same speed opposed equals zero), the prop will still pull the plane's weight forward...please read this thoroughly, and think about what I'm sayin...Read the original post again too..this is really simple if you dont try to overthink it...