I ran the Symantec security scanner & passed all but the ones that required active X control. It couldn't test those with my current configuration in Explorer or Firefox
I tried the "netstat -an" that Skuzzy said to do to look for listening ports but the command prompt will only pop-up for a millisecond, it doesn't stay up long enough for me to look at what it says. I'm sure it's because of some setting somewhere.
I like informative posts like that because I am an average user & I don't know anything about internet protocol or networking or ports or any of that crap. I just know my AV & AS progs work, I don't use the Windows firewall & I have never had a problem. I'm sure if some "script kiddy" (lol) wanted to do me in I'd be easy prey.
It's funny because my first P/C was a Tandy TRS-80 & I wrote 30 pages of code one time to make a u.f.o. descend from the top of the screen to the bottom with a little rumble sound; it lasted all of two seconds & took me two hours to type in the code. Here I am with modern P/C's & I feel like an idiot because of all the tech that passed me by in the late 80's & early 90's when I had a life.