Author Topic: Graphic anomolies with the new V5 5500  (Read 593 times)

Offline Zigrat

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Graphic anomolies with the new V5 5500
« on: June 12, 2000, 12:09:00 AM »
Hi guys,

This new card is pretty cool, but it is having some problems with AH:

The textures in the cockpit and clipboard flicker a bit, in that they "mis align" - they like move back and forth 1 pickel, like a little dance.

Blue seams are evident in the ground textures.

Micro pauses are present even though the fps is high (45 FPS in 1024x768 4x FSAA)

Offline bloom25

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Graphic anomolies with the new V5 5500
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2000, 02:40:00 AM »
Sounds like driver bugs to me.  


Offline Vila

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Graphic anomolies with the new V5 5500
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2000, 10:54:00 AM »

I'm seeing the same problems with the V5 in AH.  I'm searching around to see if I can find a solution.  It seems to run fine with no FSAA... but then again, FSAA is why I got this card!!!  


Offline xmab

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Graphic anomolies with the new V5 5500
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2000, 11:48:00 AM »
Hey Zig,

My buddy (xdak) and I both have the V5, he gets swimming gauges with FSAA enabled and I don't. We both get serious textures cracks with FSAA enabled. However, the card works fine with FSAA disabled.

As for the pauses or stuttering, we have seen it with every video card we've tried (V3, Elasa GTS2 and V5). It seems to be related to the monitor refresh rate and the natural speed of the CPU+Vid Card combo. Try turning off (or on) VSYNC. Try changing your monitor update rate. The stuttering almost disappears for me when I set my monitor refresh rate to 85Hz and enable VSYNC.
