under "community" the "movies" link doesn't work right, and the "squads" link says:
The page has been moved.
You are attempting to directly access a page which has been moved. Please use the link provided from the appropriate page of our site.
Thank you for visiting HiTech Creations, Inc.
under "downloads" the "movies" link as before and then "films" gives:
Page Not Found
The page you are requesting does not appear to exist on our WEB site. If you got this error while clicking on a link in our site, we would appreciate it if you could let us know about it. You can send an email to our webmaster with the URL which caused this page to appear.
You may also go to our home page, if you like.
under "support" the account admin page has the texy on the left partially cut off, specifically "history" "information" and "credit card" the links work, but you can't see what you are fully clicking on.
also under "support" the "films" ling again doesn't work
just some quick FYI's
BTW I am viewing the page in firefox