Author Topic: Observers  (Read 260 times)

Offline TalonX

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« on: February 03, 2007, 08:01:49 AM »
Two questions...

1.  I attached to a squaddie in a fighter and, when he was shot down, I couldn't end flight.  I had to bail, and took a death since I was over enemy territory.  Is this new?   You used to not suffer a loss from attaching.

2.  I had someone attach to me in bombers.  When he detached, I lost both drones to a nasty explosion.   No cons for miles, no "You died" messages, my drones just gone after the explosion.

What gives?



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Offline hubsonfire

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« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2007, 10:48:08 AM »
I've been stuck as an observer when the guy I was with was shot down, and I've also been killed as an observer. I think both are actually bugs, unless something has been changed.

Look at Masonz' stats from last month. A few hundred deaths as an attached gunner, which used to be impossible.

With regards to the drones exploding, that's definitely a bug.
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Offline Spiked

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« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2007, 01:20:45 PM »
If you are gunning in a bomber for someone ... and you can gain kills/score while doing so.  Then it would make sense you should take a death if shot down.

As far as observing in a fighter (and I know this from when I first started & squadies would hop up to give pointers - or I would ride with them to see what they are doing) ... it frees you up a bit to concentrate on the guy you want to shoot down ... while the "observer" can keep an eye out for potential danger.  In doing this however you are not garnering kills/score albeit maybe affecting a fight indirectly.

If your gunning ... you should take a death.  If your riding along in a fighter ... I really don't have an opinion.

Could they be bugs?  Or maybe changes?  Only the HT crew knows.