Our family is really touched by all the support you guys are giving. It's really uplifting to hear from my old flying buddies, like Bear76,Slash27,Telstar,Jaekart, and 2851. Plus newer friends like Guppy, MVJester, Gary26, Eagler, I can go on and on. I just want you people to know we appreciate each and every one of you.
I'll try and keep this update readable, I'm still not sleeping much and I tend to ramble on a normal day so bear with me.
Thomas is very stable and off the breathing machine. He is concious now and I spoke with him twice yesterday. His nurse stated that he is strong and stubborn. She said he wants to do everything for himself, and is not accepting aid in anything he is able to accomplish on his own. She told me that this is the attitude he's going to need to get through recovery and rehab, so we are very thankful. When we spoke yesterday he was very groggy and weak sounding the first time I talked with him. The second time we spoke he also got to speak to one of his brothers that had stopped by and my wife.
He told my son Donald that he was okay, but he was having phantom pains , where his feet or lower legs would itch or hurt and out of habit he would just use the other foot to scratch or whatever and remember he didn't have ethier one. He stated it was a little weird but just one of the things he'd have to get used to.
In typical Thomas fashion he told my wife he was worried about me, and to take care of the old man. He is scheduled to evac out of Germany Friday to Ft Hood , or another military hospital in the San Antonio area. We'll be there to greet him.
I appreciate all the offers, to be honest there has been nothing I could do all week. I've never felt as helpless, or worthless in my life. Once I have a firm address for him in Texas I will post it. If you folks have the time to send cards or letters to him at that time I would greatly appreciate it. Although he's displaying a lot courage right now, there are many rough days ahead for him, and any words of encouragement you guys can offer will be a tremendous help to him and all of us.
This is a tragedy for our family. However each and everyone of us feel blessed we still have our son and brother. I noticed yesterday another Soldier and a Marine were killed in Iraq. Compared to what those familys have to endure we got off lucky. We ask you keep the other seven soldiers that were wounded along with Thomas in your thoughts and prayers as well. We still don't have the name of the Soldier that was instrumental in saving Thomas's life. Once I do however I will shout it from the roof tops.
Again my family and I are deeply moved by all of the support and well wishes. To all of you who have posted here that have family and friends still over in Iraq, or Afghanistan. We send out our prayers, graditude, and love to each and every one of them.
My deepest thanks to each of you.