Im not sure what you mean by the game took control of your plane unless you're referring to getting the message, "Don't move your controls so rapidly" then it locks up. If that's it then it means you are yanking on the stick instead of using smooth pressure to get the plane what you want it to do. The yanking part happens to some of us as we get excited, just miss the shot by a lil teeny bit and yank her around. Planes kinda don't "yank well".
If you have a tendency to yank her there are ways to deaden (read delay) on the on set of that yank until you've had a millisecond to settle down.
You might also notice you black out due to high speed/hard pull (G's) on your bird. You can also make some adjustments to make the plane behave more like a real one. Once you do that the control surfaces react more readily to your control inputs.
Im off all week and will be spending time in the Training Area (TA). A half hour will get your stick all set up and increase your enjoyment of the game around 75%.

Let me know if you'd like to get together.
Hope this helps.