Author Topic: AH mentors...  (Read 11230 times)

Offline TW9

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« Reply #120 on: February 15, 2007, 06:35:49 PM »
nomak skyrock bighorn ball boll steve shane fariz mmmbop jeffer morpheus rocstar lazer spork42 quahmaw stang ace101 are better than me.
Quote from: sax
The community lacks personality , thank #@# for TW9 or
there would'nt even be anyone --------- left .
Quote from: Krusty
Edit2: BAN the ass-hat. That's not skuzzy, that's a tard named TW9

Offline Nomak

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« Reply #121 on: February 15, 2007, 06:37:30 PM »
Originally posted by SkyRock
I would like to thank daddog and Steve Bailey for being the first two "negative comment" posters in an otherwise positive thread!
:rolleyes: :lol

I see nothing negitave in daddog's post.


Edit.....  As a matter of fact.  Steve didnt say anything negitave either.  Unless I missed something.  You started throwing the mud.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2007, 06:53:33 PM by Nomak »

Offline SkyRock

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« Reply #122 on: February 15, 2007, 08:05:33 PM »
Originally posted by Nomak
I see nothing negitave in daddog's post.


Edit.....  As a matter of fact.  Steve didnt say anything negitave either.  Unless I missed something.  You started throwing the mud.

Let me start by saying, you missed something!  How you got that I started throwing mud is funny, I guess!  Daddog came into a thread that had only good things to say and said negative things, ie. things he doesn't respect or admire!  I rsponded to him in a manner that was relevant only to his attack on "how" teachers work and what strategies they use to teach.  His post was meant to set some sort of moral high ground of how an effective teacher should act!  I find that offensive and an insult to many great teachers that are very effective using aggressive and often offensive strategies.  That is how I saw daddog's post!
Steve used his post to "translate" Shane's old "castrati" statement, turning it from how I saw it(which was funny smack talking), into a negative whine!  Nothing positive there, yet completely pompous, arrogant, and inconsiderate to do so in public when the person he quoted has not even posted in the thread yet.  I went a little to far in my response to Steve, yes.  I do that some times.  It doesn't magically make what Steve posted any less negative or arrogant.  He enjoys some people coming right in behind him and backing him, which is to be expected.  I stated my first encounter with Steve, so I owe him nothing!  He has yet to apologize, and even refuesed to read the post or even acknowlege any wrong doing in attacking a player who had only been playing for 3 days.  So, I see him as an empty warrior in his quest to attack those who insult, and defend righteous behavior.  I do not bow to those types and never will.

Now lets get to what you said:
Originally posted by Nomak
I was in the DA with SkyRock the other night.  With my new found knowledge (power) over the AH "situation" I totally defused any tension or competition by telling him right off the bat."you are a better pilot than me"  Is he a better pilot than me?  It really doesnt matter.  However once I said that to him he no longer had to "prove" to me that he was. I was then free to win or lose and have no issues or episodes.  

Your post would seem to imply that there was "tension" due to competition that you had to "defuse", I remember none!  Yet you still go on to perpetuate the question, "Is he(SkyRock) a better pilot than me?"!  Then to state that it doesn't bother you...... why bring it up?  It was never present until you created it in your own mind!  You go on to assess my will with your next statement, "However, once I said to him he no longer had to "prove" to me that he was.", which I find to be offensive.  It is funny, no?  That the defenders of good behavior should show so little respect to that in which they intend to defend!  I think your quest in conquering your insecurities requires yet more practice!  I do have faith in you, though!

PS  I hope none of you guys think in any way, that my posts here are attacking how you guys are in real life.  I am sure that each of you represent fine, outstanding husbands, fathers, and citizens!

Triton28 - "...his stats suggest he has a healthy combination of suck and sissy!"

Offline Domin

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« Reply #123 on: February 15, 2007, 08:15:21 PM »
Originally posted by Nomak
This may be off base but I wana say it anyway....

A short while ago bohdi wrote a very simular post directed at myself.  It upset me.  Actually it flat out hurt my feelings.  I started to write a flame back at him and as I was writing it I thought "Why did this upset me so much?"  Then the lightbulb went off......

Although some of what he posted was nonsense, some of it was spot on true.  Thats why it hurt.  I thought about it for a good long while and I realized something.  I had tied my "identity" to how others viewed me in the game/community.  Its an insecurity really.  i.e. "I wont feel good about myself until others in the game tell me how great i am". Believe it or not I didnt realize I was doing it.  Not until I was honest with myself.

After I identified the real issue correcting it was easy.  Ergo, when you approach the game not trying to impress everyone the game is alot more fun and stress free.  Having the right attitude is liberating really.  

So BK's ...... you were right.  The game really is taken way to seriously.  I am embaressed that I didnt see that sooner.

I was in the DA with SkyRock the other night.  With my new found knowledge (power) over the AH "situation" I totally defused any tension or competition by telling him right off the bat."you are a better pilot than me"  Is he a better pilot than me?  It really doesnt matter.  However once I said that to him he no longer had to "prove" to me that he was. I was then free to win or lose and have no issues or episodes.  

Is entertaining for me at this point watching others behavior in the game, on  200 and in here.  Because now I see right through that type of thing.

I guess thats all.


Good stuff.

Offline Baylor

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« Reply #124 on: February 15, 2007, 09:17:46 PM »
sorry, I have flown with SR for some time guys just dont get "it" with him....or Shane...from what I have seen.  The
Being in the position I am in in RL...I see that there are many different styles of motivation to use...and I must find the particular style of motivation that works on each of my suboridinates.  Same in game, except we dont have the luxury of knowing evreryone that plays as close as I do with my suboridinates....and I did not always have the proper motivational skills that I do now with them, I learned them over time with trial and error and learning from those in positions of over me, with me and even beneath me.  Maybe SR and Shane have one style....and thats what they know...maybe thats what they choose to use in the MA enviroment and change it up when somebody actually says "sure, lets go to DA".

anyways...thats what I get from those guys with those comments...meant to motivate me when i was total noob to try to do something different and actually improve...vice where im at now in noob status and try to help others when they not the vet yet that will go and try to help others improve without them asking.

Offline killnu

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« Reply #125 on: February 15, 2007, 09:18:55 PM »
^oops, I typed that mess...forgot logged in bbs for moderator purposes on squad forum....sorry.
Karma, it follows you every where you go...

++The Blue Knights++

Offline scot12b

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« Reply #126 on: February 15, 2007, 09:46:09 PM »
Chaingun BigB17
KillnU Souless
Creton Lou
Thank you peeps and to all the other guys who took the time to show me how to play AH <>:aok :aok

Offline Oldman731

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« Reply #127 on: February 15, 2007, 10:04:21 PM »
Originally posted by Nomak
when you approach the game not trying to impress everyone the game is alot more fun and stress free.  

And there you have it.

- oldman

Offline SteveBailey

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« Reply #128 on: February 15, 2007, 11:27:30 PM »
Killn, read my entire comment about Shane,  the net message was positive.
Blowhard just got his thong in a wad because he has stalked me since just about when he entered the game. He started humping my ankle  in this thread because I had the nerve to interpret something differently than he did.(Shane's castrati comment)

Here is the entire quote, in context(to save you search time)

Blowhard typed:
Shane is a very good example of an "in your face", yet very effective and memorable mentor! The "Slayer of Castrati" is on my list!

I typed:

"Actually Shane is a very different guy in the DA. I always had fun in there with him, good fights, good laughs.

As for his MA persona: He always said " You castrati are pretty good 6v1."
or something similar. That translates to: "I got myself into a bad spot and don't want to take responsibility for my decision." Whether is was an error in SA or he didn't care became moot once he whined...yes it was a whine albeit an amusing one.
In spite of this, I liked the guy. He seemed to really bother some peeps but I always got along w/ him just fine."

There you have it, unaltered.

My first sentence was in reference to  the "in your face comment" by the mouth.  In the DA shane was friendly, and eager to help and we had good laughs as I watched how he did a couple of different reversals.  He obligingly repeated them for me several times and in different airplanes so I could learn them and learn how to counter them.  This is much different than his persona in the MA, IMHO.
The rest iof the text is self explanatory.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2007, 11:30:20 PM by SteveBailey »

Offline SkyRock

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« Reply #129 on: February 16, 2007, 12:01:01 AM »
Originally posted by SteveBailey

Blowhard just got his thong in a wad because he has stalked me since just about when he entered the game. He started humping my ankle  in this thread because I had the nerve to interpret something differently than he did.(Shane's castrati comment)
Blowhard typed:

The more you try to explain it, the more you sink into what your game personna really is, a complete arrogant arse!  You and Apar cherry picking big mouth "Vets" think you can still talk down to me like you did when I was a newb, and I'm supposed to just take it?  Yet now you won't back it up!  Just insults and no Ballz to go to the DA and slug it out!  Just like AKAK, who had no problem dueling me when he was talking arrogant smack to me when I was a 3 month newb!  Scared little boys, who can't handle someone actually calling them out!  As far as your dreams of me ankle humping you......LMAO!  The only reason I remember your name is you were the first person to completely attack me without merit in AH.  Oh, and also you were famous for being a cherry picking, nose bleed, pony run boi!  After that, I don't ever recall seeing you.  It does back up my accusations that you are just as arrogant as you claim me to be.  All you can think about is that I am attacking you because I "ankle hump" you!  LOL  What an conceited stance in this argument!  Read!  I have clearly stated why you got the response you did from me.  I would have never even offered to go to the DA with you at all, except you tried to cherry me one night a few months ago and I reversed you and caught you on pullup and blasted you!  You whined about hog overmodeling!  Which I also took as an insult, as it was meant to take away from my brillantly executed manuver that ownt your skilless cherry picking arse!  LMAO!  So, why don't you go and try to convince people who don't know me, about how I am, you will find that it will fall on deaf ears with the people who are my friends, or that have gone to the DA with me.  

PS  My sincerest apologies to the thread and those who posted on the topic with integrity, I never intended it to be this negative.  I all who have been positive and complimentary to their AH mentors!
« Last Edit: February 16, 2007, 12:05:01 AM by SkyRock »

Triton28 - "...his stats suggest he has a healthy combination of suck and sissy!"

Offline SteveBailey

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« Reply #130 on: February 16, 2007, 12:47:24 AM »
Skyrock, save your time.  I already told you I'm not interested in your yammering and that I'm not going to read your posts.  I'm sure it's more of the "Skyrock is great and Steve sux".  Find another ankle to hump, mine is chafed.

Offline Ghosth

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« Reply #131 on: February 16, 2007, 01:22:56 AM »
Skyrock the point that it is totally obvious that you missed is this.
Its not how loud or good you talk, anyone can talk.

The truly great players in AH can back up the talk, but never need to.
They are simply PAST that garbage.
They realize that life is too short, there are better things to do.

You on the other hand sir are obviously totally hung up on that.
There is always going to be someone bigger, badder, meaner, uglier coming down the pike.

The difference between the class & the trash is how they treat everyone else.
Daddogs right, Drex is a gentlemen and a damm fine person. As is Yucca, and many others I could name.

You on the other hand will never make it to those ranks.
You simply lack the class and the humility. No matter HOW good you can fly.
You just don't get that sometimes its about more than that.

Offline Ball

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« Reply #132 on: February 16, 2007, 02:18:27 AM »
I dont have anything against anyone in this thread...

But why is the DA seen as the be all and end all by some?  I know a lot of people think like me in not giving a damn about DA.  I would get my arse handed to me by plenty of people, i dont like duelling and i rarely do it (apart from when with good friends such as Apar/Stang/Nath, which i thoroughly enjoyed).

The MA is fun to me, why try and take someone away from what they are doing to suit your own means?

Offline Guppy35

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« Reply #133 on: February 16, 2007, 03:03:04 AM »
No one really dies, planes are free.  For every day I feel like I'm getting better, I have one where I get my 38G handed to me in pieces.  Who the heck cares?

Measuring myself against other cartoon pilots just doesn't matter. Life is way too short and there are too many important things to worry about.  This is the escape, not where I get my ego stroked.

As long as I'm having fun and it fills that little bit of 'wish I'd have been there' history nut in me, it's all good.

Have some fun and relax :)
8th FS "Headhunters

Offline Apar

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« Reply #134 on: February 16, 2007, 04:30:36 AM »
Originally posted by Ghosth
Skyrock the point that it is totally obvious that you missed is this.
Its not how loud or good you talk, anyone can talk.

The truly great players in AH can back up the talk, but never need to.
They are simply PAST that garbage.
They realize that life is too short, there are better things to do.

You on the other hand sir are obviously totally hung up on that.
There is always going to be someone bigger, badder, meaner, uglier coming down the pike.

The difference between the class & the trash is how they treat everyone else.
Daddogs right, Drex is a gentlemen and a damm fine person. As is Yucca, and many others I could name.

You on the other hand will never make it to those ranks.
You simply lack the class and the humility. No matter HOW good you can fly.
You just don't get that sometimes its about more than that.

Well said.

Thats exactly what is wrong with you Skyrock.

I enjoy DA-ing with people I consider friends and people that want me to DA with from a positive stand. I don't go to the DA to give you a chance to FEED your INFLATED EGO.

Ohh, and I do DA with people that beat me in a 109. I did so with CRETON in the time I could still beat him and I did so in the time he kicked the crap out of me. The difference between people like him and you is that they don't need to brag about it like you with your pathetic and childish "I own ...... and I own ...... (fill in player name) statements. If there were a permanent squelch option in the MA, you would be number 1 on my list.

I'm already sorry I replied to this thread, I should have known it would come down to EGO purse fighting, simply because you posted it.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2007, 05:46:57 AM by Apar »