Author Topic: Matter of Opinion  (Read 250 times)

Offline DREDger

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Matter of Opinion
« on: February 13, 2007, 04:59:24 PM »
I have a kid in my squadron who likes to play, still pretty new at it.  The other day I get private texted by this guy who says...

"so and so in your squad keeps screwing up the CV's...he takes charge of them and screws them up, takes them into bases where ord is up, or shore battery up...will you tell him to stop..its getting on my nerves."

So I look up the kids score to find it is well above 1000.  I write the guy back, 'why don't you just take control of the CV, your rank is much much lower'

To which he replies...'I was busy flying'  (which infers a single occurance to me)

Here is how I see it, CV's move painfully slow, a couple of minutes won't make a difference either way.  I told the guy I had no intention of telling this kid anything (digging my heals in)  If he wants to take charge of the CV do it, but don't bother me about it.

Anyway doesn't set well with the guy who proceeds to lambast me about this and that.  I laugh it off, tell him where he can put it, then squelch him.

and thats what I think about that.  Guess maybe I talk CV strategy with the kid, or leave it alone, let him have fun if he wants to control the CV every once in a while.


Offline TalonX

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« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2007, 05:02:21 PM »
I don't see anything wrong with coaching your squaddie on controlling CVs.  If he learns from Rooks, he will run it into a shore bat, or to a field with ORD up.  Try explaining how to avoid both.

That said, rank has its privileges.  A lower ranked pilot should take it and stop crying.


Forgotten, but back in the game.  :)

Offline tedrbr

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Matter of Opinion
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2007, 05:36:42 PM »
Still a very good read on CV tactics:
by Widewing

CV Operations in-game are pretty pathetic in general.  

If a CV-based squad was serious about it, they would have a high level member take command and keep it, or rotate command through the squad, and basically conduct operations from the CV.  If someone outside that squad took command, they could reason with that player, or if they have a member with the rank, retake the CV.

In practice, CV's are just used as launching pads by would-be vulchers.  They are poorly defended, if at all.  They are rolled right up onto shore batteries, PT spawns, and fields with ords up in range to attack and sink it.  CV's are brought way too close to land to spawn LVT's, to make for short flight times.

Ever notice all the calls by pilots for someone else, other than them, to turn the CV when bombers are inbound?  Once or twice is a warning to someone who is in control of the TG....... repeated calls for an uncontrolled CV to be turned is just group negligence.   Even better are those who take over a turning CV and "straighten it out" for the buffs, or to make taking off easier for them as bombs drop toward it.