Author Topic: 3D Glasses Anyone?  (Read 316 times)

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3D Glasses Anyone?
« on: June 22, 2000, 09:44:00 AM »
Ok, I suppose I'll be the first to ask in this thread....

Has anyone been able to get your 3D Glasses to work past the Main Clip Board Screen?

I understand that the Z-Buffering portion of 1.03 is in beta, but here's the deal.

Back prior to v1.03, I tried to use the Glasses (Elsa Revelator IR) but would lock up once I tried to select either Off Line
Or On Line.  At the time, I didn't know that AH didn't support Z-Buff...  

Every time I went into AH, I had to first go to my video config and disable the Stereo Video options or my system would
lock hard when I tried to enter an arena.

Now, once v1.03 hit the street, I saw that the ZB was now supported and figured I'd giver a shot.  The main screen came
up fine and even in 3D. (good so far)...   I have the same problem though, my machine locks once I try to enter any arena,
on or off line.

Spacewalker AV61 w/Apollo Chipset
PIII 600
384MB PC100 RAM
Elsa ErasorX2 32MB DDR GeFrce256 Video
21" monitor with Refresh at 120hz



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3D Glasses Anyone?
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2000, 04:38:00 PM »
What kind of glasses are you using? I need some!