Thats what i will always love janes ww2 fighter for.
the cockpit damage was amazeing, and hearing your pilot scream in aggony as blood spat all over was just..too cool.
not to mention you didnt pass out from blood loss.. you flew on..then screamed in aggony for however long,till your pilot just died..then you would ride your plane down to the ground in peace.
Also loved how the engine could seperated from the fuselage if it shook too violently or if it was "somehow" blown clean off.
and the fact you could at a right angle "survive" a ground strike, altho the prop would be torn up "violent engine shakeing example" and the body bent like 15 degreese.
HT, get on it man,thats a 98' game 0.o
***oh..the topic!***
Haveing played flight sims sence red barron "ehem the appleII sidescrooler not 3d one *till laters*"/janes ATF
I would say the best improvement we could see for oil is animated oil flowing up the window slowly.
As it is right now, the milisecond your engine gets have your screen jacked up and it stays that way till you auger,land or die..ither way "thats all folks"
it would be much better to have the oil animated to slowly slide up the window and plane .ect
maby even have the animation play slower/quicker with windspeed.
that way if a plane is moving at say 150mph the oil would cover slower,than at 300-400 "also maby a lower engine seting would make oil spurt out less,same with +g -g's
Work with that idea for a bit, dont worry about the sideways motion,just focus on animation,and animation speed with plane speed
Ill be happy