Author Topic: GV modeling  (Read 196 times)

Offline loony1

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GV modeling
« on: March 05, 2007, 11:10:19 PM »
I dunno what it is but sometime i feel like gv modeling favors low numbers.

So many times i can up a tiger and face off with another tiger and pump 3 shots into him with 2 being ricochets and nothing, or hit him twice in the turret and nothing but sure enough 1 shot and i am dead.

or a be in a tiger and face off with a panzer and 2 shots into him and nothing...1 shot on me and bye bye turret

Don't give me this..."it depends where you hit them" crap. I have been playing this game for years and know where to hit a gv to disable or kill them in 2 or less shots.

something is just all wrong
Loony2 Of "The Iron Saints"