Author Topic: any RC's out there  (Read 1936 times)

Offline rogerdee

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« Reply #45 on: March 15, 2007, 05:54:27 PM »
connery it looks sweet and sexy and not a bad price,but it will be  a ***** to fly as your first plane.
I had  a high wing trainer and that was bad enough but i had  a big smile on my face after i looped it and barrel folled it then stalled it and crashed:huh
490th battling bulldogs

it does what it says on the tin

Offline Pro1973

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« Reply #46 on: March 15, 2007, 08:00:26 PM »
your best bet would be to find a local club and get someone to help you . i know the fighters look cool and you dont like the looks of a trainer but you have to learn the basics of R/C .

Offline Treize69

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« Reply #47 on: March 15, 2007, 11:29:14 PM »
And go in with the knowledge that as long-term hobby, it gets very expensive very fast.

I think its standard equipment now for most R/Cs to come with a vaccum attachment which plugs directly into your wallet.
Treize (pronounced 'trays')- because 'Treisprezece' is too long and even harder to pronounce.

Moartea bolșevicilor.

Offline Masherbrum

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« Reply #48 on: March 16, 2007, 04:58:16 AM »
Originally posted by TwinBoom
florida hillbilly :)

You big bully TB, I bet you do some vultch passes on the other "unsuspecting" R/C's as they're taking off.
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Offline eagleheartone

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« Reply #49 on: March 16, 2007, 05:01:38 AM »
Connery they are right, warbirds are more of an advanced plane... due to low wing and faster speeds.  The p51 68zoom has is classified as a duel aircraft due to extra gagets to keep it slow and stable.  It flies very slow, and just above stall speed.  When you get a few flights and start removing the flaps, leading edge, this plane becomes a devil.  Its speed is greatly enchanced, and the p51 characteristics come alive.  Its designed to be 2 in one... for one price.  Its concidered a skil level 1 and 2.  It is a good choice, but you will still need to find someone, in a club near you, to help you get started. Another thing to remember is Frequency's, just because you find a small area to fly dont mean that there isn't anyone else near you flying, that is why flying sites are so important.  Radio's can range well past 2 miles, just something else to think about.

CO.  5th SFG "S.O.A.R."

Offline eagleheartone

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« Reply #50 on: March 16, 2007, 05:11:58 AM »
A little tid bit about R/C flying.... when the aircraft is coming straight at you... here is a little advice to remember....   as the plane in heded toward.. bearing in on you.....or what ever you want to call it.  "Which ever wing tilts toward the ground.... is the way.... you turn the stick on your radio"...  in all reality.. it is reversed to put in the correct stick response to safley fly the plane until it passes you .  With that in the back of your mind, you should be able to master the flight of R/C.  Good luck, and don't be afraid to ask anyone for help.  

PS..... Stick input on the radio..... should be very small movements.. until you get more flights under your belt.

CO.  5th SFG "S.O.A.R."

Offline SirLoin

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« Reply #51 on: March 16, 2007, 07:59:15 AM »
After not flying last year,i plan on re-joining my club.Did some building/repairs over the winter and have ready for this season 2 Top Flight F4u's,a Beaver w floats,a two meter sailplane w OS10 on nose and an electric park flyer whisc i like to take off from my driveway and buzz the neighbours in my court.

Offline Orion75

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« Reply #52 on: March 16, 2007, 08:39:57 AM »
Some advice from an RC "old timer" (only 31 yrs old, but been flying RC for 23 years!) and I have been an RC Instructor for over 12 years now.. Get a trainer.  A TRUE TRAINER such as the Alpha from Hangar 9
Alpha Trainer
The Alpha is an excellent trainer, I have trained MANY people using this airplane.
The Alpha runs approximately 289.00 on the Horizon Hobby web site.

Another option is the P-51 that was posted earlier.  It is called the P51 PTS (Progressive training system) Also from Hangar 9.  Many instructors and old school rcers have not taken well to this plane due to its appearance as being not really a trainer 9low wing, taildragger etc) However, having traiend several fpeople on this aircraft last summer, I can tell you it IS a valid trainer, and is jsut as stable as a more traditional trainer.  Witht he added bonus that you can remove the high lift devices, speed brakes etc, and have a decent 2nd plane or, "advanced trainer" when you are ready for a bit more capability in your aircraft.
The P-51 PTS Runs a bit more than the Alpha, costing around 399.00 ready to fly, but is a great option if you dont care for the "trainer" look.  (BE CAREFUL though, Hangar9 also offers several models of true P-51D's, and these aircraft are true warbirds, and NOT suitable for training purposes.  make SURE youg et the PTS.)

Hangar 9 P51 PTS

They also have a new one, along the lines of the P51 PTS, but with a semi-scale appearance of the F-22.  While I have no experience with this model, it appears to offer the same features as the P-51, and so should be a good trainer as well.

F-22 PTS

I DO NOT recommend getting a park flier to learn on... and again this is advice, based on experience, not a definite thing... but the reasons are this, park fliers often times do not lend themselves to joining a club (more on that later).  Also, park fliers DO NOT prepare you for some of the more advanced RC aircraft.. IE if you learn to fly on park fliers, your skills will be with park fliers, the larger nitro and gas powered aircraft fly completely different than a park flier.  If you learn on a nitro plane, you will be prepared (with further practice and such) for warbirds, aerobatic planes, 3d planes, Giant Scale, even pylon racers and jets, in addition to the park fliers.

Another near requirement is to join the AMA (Academy of Model Aeronautics).  Nearly every club in the US requires an AMA membership.  for roughly $60 a year, you get a good magazine, as well as the real important reason, 2 million bucks in liability insurance.  Sure, those park fliers arent too much to worry about, but what about that trainer flying 55mph and weighing 5 pounds?  Or my Giant Extra 300, weighing 25 pounds and going 100+MPH, or what about a jet? 15-50 pounds, 200+mph... you can do a lot of bodily harm, or property damage should one of these models get away from you... 60 bucks a year is very little to have such coverage.  As stated in all of the manuals that come with these planes, THESE ARE NOT TOYS, they are miniature aircraft, and as such, MUST be respected.
AMA Website

Joining a club... this is almost required as well... some people wont do so, and many times they miss out on one of the best parts of htis hobby, sharing your time and experience with poeple of the same interests as you!  Club membership runs on average 50 per year, and some clubs may have a 25-50 dollar one time "runway fee".  Clubs are non-profit organizations, and dues go to cover many things, including site maintinace, and other costs.. the club will be happy to give you a breakdown on what your dues go for.  Check AMA's web site, or with your local hobby shop for club locations near you.  Most clubs offer a nice smooth, short cut grass landing strip, or a paved runway.  Other things a club is great for is, the wealth of KNOWLEDGE you can pull from.. 50-100 people, if you have a quesiton, there is almost ALWAYS someone there who can answer it for you, or offer advice.  Most clubs also offer free flight instruction... This is invaluable since without an instructor you WILL spend a LOT more money than your club dues on new planes and/or [parts... so even if you dont want to hang out with other fliers, just the instruction is WELL worth the fees involved.  

If you have any questions feel free to email me at I will be glad to help you!

Offline helbent

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« Reply #53 on: March 16, 2007, 10:24:46 AM »
I just started flying RC about 2 mo ago.  Its something Ive wanted to do all my life and now Im doing it and having a blast.

You do want to start with a trainer type A/C.  Dihedral is your friend.  I went with the tower 40 ARF, got a package from tower hobbies (plane eng and remote) for like $240 US.  Was up and flying for under 300 for about 2 weeks.

Then stuff like this happens.  This is where the hobby becomes expensive.

Become proficient with the trainer before you go out and buy a really expensive nice plane that you are sooner or later going to crash.  Sooner is more likely.  You are going to crash your first plane, no doubt about it.  Get in cheap to start, make sure this is something you are willing to donate time, energy and money to do.

The desire to fly is a strong one, even if conditions are less than perfect.  The ability to abort any flight, take-off or landing is paramount if you want to return home with an intact model.

Good luck in your decision.

Creator and original CO of the now HiJacked Squad -=Hell Hounds=-
Never argue with an idiot.  They drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Avator by fugi.

Offline indy007

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« Reply #54 on: March 16, 2007, 10:41:26 AM »

Works way better than I ever thought it could. Since it steers by differential thrust, it has issues doing certain manuevers... but it's alot of fun.

I've had a dozen catastrophic crashes. To the extent it tore in half... (climbed to 200 feet, dove vertical... and lost signal... transmitter antenna wasn't up...

Some clear packing tape, a quick hand launch, and its like it never happened.

I think next I'd like to do an EDF foamy jet. I saw some plans for an X-31 with thrust vectoring paddles (post-stall manuvers!!)... I really wanna try that out.. but I know it won't be nearly as forgiving.

Offline Puck

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« Reply #55 on: March 16, 2007, 11:13:25 AM »
A LONG time ago (Carter was president) I was out watching my ex brother in law fly his RC planes in Mesquite.  There was a Lear pilot learning to fly RC...his plane went into a spin and we all watched him stomping on non-existent rudder pedals trying to recover it as it spiraled beautifully into the ground, raising a cloud of dollars as it hit.

Quite entertaining.

If I had the money to support an RC habit I'd be back up flying jets.
//c coad  c coad run  run coad run
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Offline Bronk

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« Reply #56 on: March 16, 2007, 12:21:16 PM »
Indy have you moded the body any?

If not, cut off the fake scoop and center section of the tail.

Improves speed quite nicely.

See Rule #4

Offline whiznr

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« Reply #57 on: March 16, 2007, 01:45:14 PM »
Hey Folks!!!
    I just joined Aces High II, (after 2 years of Warbirds frustration!!) and I found the "cool folks"!
    I used to fly r/c as a kid, then recently got back into it with the Parkzone P-51. It flys great, and so does the 190, but I'm saving up to get a gas bird. I'll keep practicing with "Frankie" but I miss the smell of nitro in my Jeep at the end of a good day of flying!!

    Going to check out forum to see if there's a 352nd FG.....

Offline Mystic2

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« Reply #58 on: March 16, 2007, 01:56:10 PM »
Originally posted by Pro1973
i have a picture of me an the kids with gunfighter at a open house a Dyess AFB awsome plane . they also had a demo with gunfighter and a kate it was cool

Dyess AFB has some awsome air shows.  I was stationed there for 2 years.  I was there when they went operational with the B1... they put on an outstanding air show for that.. the Conferderate Air Force was also there..
FSO Setup CM

Offline eagleheartone

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« Reply #59 on: March 16, 2007, 03:50:05 PM »
The Confederate AirForce  name has been changed due to political problems with the name "Confederate".... Its now called "Heritage Flight"  thats what ya get when politics get involved.

CO.  5th SFG "S.O.A.R."