Author Topic: 94th Aero sqd/CH recruiting fighter pilots  (Read 327 times)

Offline hapvodka

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94th Aero sqd/CH recruiting fighter pilots
« on: April 11, 2007, 04:44:27 PM »
Hey guys I just formed my squad about 4 days ago and I have 5 pilots so far counting myself.  We are a fighter only sqaudron meaning we dont fly buffs...we will OCCASIONALY use the stuka but other than that its fighter sonly for us.  We are currently working on flying and fighting in formation/wingman pairs, once its all worked out it will be alot of fun.  I dont care how good you are(im not very good myself:) as long as you know the basics of the game(ie dont ask us how to take off/change planes/ simple things u should have learned in the TA).

I prefer you to be over the age of 18, however i would consider some1 younger but you would have to fly with us first.  Also a mic is a huge bonus..almost a requirment since wingman fighting requires alot of talkling.  Also if you are trying to be ranked #1 then this is defenently not the squad for you- we will do alot of fighter sweeps/escort missions but also alot of strike/de-ack missions.

We fly with the other C-hawks squads and they are a bunch of good guys..cept for lippy he likes to steal kills;).  overall the C-hawks have over 50 players now in 3 squads so you will rarely be on by yourself.  The only time I really want the whole squad on is friday nights for fso..11 eastern 10.  well if you want to give the 94th and c-hawks a chance you can pm me or talk to me on Knights country on many diffrent times

Hapvodka Co 94th aero sqd
Chottie      XO