, research and yet still more research.
Ever hour you spend now before the build will save you time, money and hair torn from the top of your head.
Yes you CAN do it!
If your a first time builder a couple of tips.
Buy a Motherboard bundle from a reputable dealer, ie Mwave, newegg.
Mwave has a install & test for only 9$. The confidence of knowing beyond a doubt that this all worked is worth every penny. Not to mention that they won't build a combo thats not compatable, ie you can't buy the wrong memory for it.
Its ready to drop into the case and lets you get on with the rest of the build.
Also, before you do ANYTHING, sit down with the motherboard manual and read it. And then read it again, until you understand exactly what is happening, what has to happen, and what order things need to happen in. I can't stress this one enough.