Blitzkrieg - Close Escort
3:00 pm EST in the SEA
By May of 1940, several weeks of preparation comes to a head as the German war machine storms across the Belgian border. Squadrons that have spent the available time training and planning will meet in the skies over the fast moving front, creating legends and martyrs as they battle each other in support of the soldiers on the ground.
Frame one will follow the action as German dive bombers pave the way for the crossing of the Muese. Percentages:
Axis = 50%
Allies = 50%
Aircraft available:
Hurricane I
F4F-4 (subbing for various French aircraft)
Spitfire I (From bases in England only)
Boston III
Arena Settings:
BomberWarningRange = 42000
FighterWarningRange = 42000
DownTimeMultiplier = 200 (max)
FuelBurnRate = 1.5
GroundAutoLethality[Armored] = 0.2
GroundAutoLethality[Hard] = 0.2
GroundAutoLethality[Soft] = 0.2
Killshooter = off
RadarMode Allies = off (friendly dots on)
RadarMode Axis = off (friendly dots on)
RadarMode CM Country = off
TowerBasedRadarRange = 42000
Visibility = 17 miles