Author Topic: pc locking up in Aces High  (Read 701 times)

Offline cp52

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pc locking up in Aces High
« Reply #15 on: January 08, 2002, 06:48:00 AM »
Yes, AH setup shows it (above the mouse as a choice) and I have clicked ok there once, set all input, set all buttons another time and nothing seems to work?

Offline Kick

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pc locking up in Aces High
« Reply #16 on: January 08, 2002, 09:14:00 PM »
I had the same problem.I think it started when i HAD to install Dx8 to play Ghost Recon.Well..GR would'nt run at all.Same with IL-2 Sturmovik.Then AH started crashing too.
Went crazy till a friend suggested I fire up DrWatson to analyze the crashes.Well I'm not a computer whiz but every crash seemed to make reference to "invalid memory calls" whatever the heck that is. So I pulled out the 128meg stick of Ram I had in there (leaving the 256) and presto all problems gone just like that. I have no clue why that fixed it but who cares...everything works . Apparently the incompatability of the memory did not rear its ugly head until my system got taxed to the hilt by programs needing Dx8    
Dont know weather or not this will help you...but its easy enough to try anyways....good luck!

Offline SpyCatcher

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pc locking up in Aces High
« Reply #17 on: January 14, 2002, 08:48:15 PM »
go into the bios and disable the serial port and com ports. As the other poster said take out your memory stick from the #2 and move it to #3.

Hope this helps.

Offline cp52

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I'm back online now!
« Reply #18 on: January 16, 2002, 06:49:08 AM »
Thanks to everyone for your help & suggestions!!
I replaced my video card with a GeForce 2 MX (best I could find for PCI and a relative bagrgain), reinstalled DirectX 8, joystick & software, calibrated the joystick in AH and everything worked!  (For 1 night anyway, knock on wood.)
Thanks again!!