Yesterday while defending a V-base with an Osti a F4U came in to attack, I shot off one of his wings but he kept on flying, another guy shot off his other wing but he still kept flying, and by flying I'm talking about loops full turns, dives and pull outs. He continued flying around and I hit him again and knocked off his entire tail section and he's still flying and shooting.
I hit him another time and knocked off his fusalage, now this guy has been flying around the base for 5 minutes by now his plane only consists of a cockpit and motor but he's still flying like nothing was wrong.
Along comes BGTazz in a plane and he chases this flying cockpit around and records it (I can only hope he sends it in to HTC). He's pinging the heck out of it and still no kill. During his dogfight with this F4U it collides with him and BGTazz said he got a collision message saying that ____ collided with him but it didn't give a name. The F4U (or what was left of it) flew on back toward it's base.
Was this one of the HTC staff doing some testing or was this truly a glitch??
I hung around a while at the base and never got a kill message so I can only assume he landed his engine safely.