Author Topic: Bootleg---S!  (Read 270 times)

Offline RedTopp

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« on: May 02, 2007, 10:05:28 AM »
I have had severe fr probs since the new improved ah came out. I finally deleted and reinstalled AH and it has helped enough for me to be able to play, although I do not get the same stable fr i used to. This has caused some frustration on my part.
Yesterday in I decided to go to EW, where the crowd is smaller, so less hits on my FR. I was doing ok, but was still having some frustrating moments with lag due to FR hits. I started moving around bases that were getting hit by sneak cv attacks, trying to defend. At one point, I was a bit annoyed, and made a comment about it. It was quickly answered by Bootleg, and a minor verbal altercation happened. After a few jabs back and forth, we both ended up in a 1v1 hurri battle. The result of the battle doesnt matter, the point is, at the end, the conflict we had turned into a fun fight. I gained a respect for my opponent, and even forgot about the earlier conflict.
Bootleg is a member of Hired Guns, who I know little about. BUt I do know that after fighting against 4 or 5 of there members, they are fun to fly against, and work well as a team. I had the most fun I have had in a while, and the FR problem wasnt that big of a deal. I hope we have more days like this in the future.
IAFF Local 1660

Offline VGhost

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<S> RedTopp
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2007, 08:48:51 PM »
Glad to see you doing well.