Author Topic: Version 2.10 Patch 2  (Read 1747 times)

Offline Pyro

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Version 2.10 Patch 2
« on: April 26, 2007, 02:53:13 PM »
Patch 2 is now available.  You can get it from the auto-updater or manually download it from here:

If you have 2.10 Patch 1 installed:

If you still have 2.09 Patch 5 installed:

If you use 1024 textures, you will need to manually install a new hi-res texture pack from here:

Version 2.10 Patch 2 Changes

Made numerous changes to terrain tiles and objects.  You will probably need to readjust your gamma setting with this version.

Changed the lighting properties of the terrain.

The smoke grenade launcher on other player's Firefly tanks no longer sounds like a machine gun.  

Using the zoom view when you are close to smoke shells no longer cuts out all the smoke from your view.

Fixed one of the beach transitions that had water properties that caused LVT's to not be able to transition from sea to land and vehicles to get stuck far inland.  Note that vehicles can still get stuck on the beach if they get too close to the water.

Fixed a bug that could some polygons in certain objects(notably windmills) not to register collisions.

Fixed a sorting error when terrain optimization was turned off.

Repositioned the layout of hangars at vehicle bases.

The right aux fuel leaks were not showing up as damage in the damage list of the B5N.

Fixed the flickering runway skid marks and the tarmacs at the medium field.

Fixed a bug in a fence object that allowed a tank barrel to go through it.

Made new damage mappings for F4U's.

Changed how some external sounds from other players are heard.

Replaced 5" and 8" gun explosions with larger explosions.

Changed the damage shape and fixed a sorting error of the large fuel storage tanks.

Dual 5" guns had an incorrect muzzle flash assignment.

The ammo loadout labels in the hangar are now correct for the T-34.

Fixed a bug in the .r command that could give double replies.

Fixed a mission bug that could prevent you from rejoining a mission that you previously joined if you  exited the arena.

Added the missing bridge back to the city object.

Fixed port acks that were hovering above the ground.

Changed the dead vehicle hangar object so that an opening lies in front of the spawn.

Fixed phantom polys that were left behind when the Sherman's pintle gun was taken out.

Squad logo is now visible on the Firefly.

Fixed a long range sorting error on the Firefly's turret.

Fixed some art glitches in the trees and grasses.

Changed how tracers look from long distance.

Although independent from the patch, there were also some terrain changes to the ndisles terrain with tank town and the areas around it.