Heya guys! Ok, I've been flying the 109G2 for a while already and I can say I'm slowly becoming better at it (at least a little better than before xD) and I've found myself all of the time just using elevators and alierons all the time (sometimes flaps too) but none of rudder, except when taking off and landing, that's the only time I would use them. But then I thought, man... this is not the way top aces do it, not even the way noobs do it! Rudder usage is critical in a fight (for aiming and pulling out maneuvers I've heard?) so I tried using the rudder to help aim but now I don't know if I'm doing it correctly, so I came here to ask you all what's the correct way, if any, to use a rudder successfully in a fight, and if any of you have any tips on using them =]
- Dalgurak