Might consider using the 9th FS, 49th FG since they were the "Flying Knights"
aka 9th FS "Flying Knights"
Always seems presumptious to me to claim to be an entire air force
Got a few other squads out there that are representing 5th Air Force fighter squadrons or groups as well
4 come to mind off the top of my head
80th FS, 8th FG "Headhunters"
431st FS, 475th FG (Satan's Angels)
432nd FS, 475th FG (Satan's Angels)
348th FG (Kearby's Thunderbolts)
Good luck with em either way. If you gents are in a P38 flying mood like the 9th FS early on, keep a look out for the Headhunters or 475th. Lots of 38 sticks in that bunch.
Good book if you want it on the 49th FG is:
Protect & Avenge-The 49th FG in World War II" by S.W. Ferguson & William K. Pascalis