Author Topic: Gamma settings reset after Alt-Tab  (Read 210 times)

Offline Martyn

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Gamma settings reset after Alt-Tab
« on: May 14, 2007, 04:37:19 AM »
Not really a bug - more a sort of... 'inconvenient feature'.

Pressing Alt-Tab to switch to desk top, then Alt-Tab to return to AH results in Gamma settings being reset to a different value.

The fix is simply to reset the Gamma again and all is well - but I thought you'd like to know - if you don't already.

Not a 'bug' as such, but maybe: -
     - a standard recognised extended reset procedure
or  - the normal reset process from desk top
or  - the 'Restart Graphic Sub-System from Desktop' sequence
or  - a required advanced experimental graphic restart feature
or  - the normal programmatic switch-back requirement (by design)

Here we are, living on top of a molten ball of rock, spinning around at a 1,000mph, orbiting a nuclear fireball and whizzing through space at half-a-million miles per hour. Most of us believe in super-beings which for some reason need to be praised for setting this up. This, apparently, is normal.