I too am i christian, and a lot more faithful than others, but don't really allign myself to a denomination or belief.
the fact is that god never created religion, people did, often as a way of controlling other people. unfortunately this is still the case for a lot of people, who generally don't find their own faith, but follow the words of others completely.
when you read the gospel, the teachings of jesus, which are really awesome, have so little in common with much of christianity nowadays, especially the catholic church and the conservative chritian right in america and to a lesser extent other western nations.
i find it quite silly when people take the bible literally word for word (or any other holy text), seeing as it is a 4000 yr old book written over 1000s of years by different people, not god. sure, it may have been inspired by god, but people have a habit of not only making mistakes, but twisting things to benefit themselves. so to take it totally literally is a recipe for disaster. i'm sure god would rather have a relationship with you, and for you to listen to him, than for you to take all your faith from the combined writings of dozens of men of many years.
so don't follow the sheep, form your own faith in god, it'll mean far more to you that way. by all means use books like the bible as a source of spiritual wisdom, but be wise in your interpretation, god gave you a brain and a heart, so use 'em!
the gospels are by far the most important part of the bible, and you can see in what jesus said, what god really feels. jesus hated the holier-than-thou'ers, he associated himself with people that others hated. he really believed in forgiveness, not in rules laid down in old books by controlling men. the essence of god right there. i feel sorry for the crazy far right conservative christians, who believe than anyone but themselves is going to hell, especially gays, 'sinners' etc. the whole point in christianity is forgiveness and freedom, not rules and hate.
whole world's going crazy right now
i had something intellectual and spiritual to say but i forgot what it was, so i wrote a load of garbage instead, please excuse my messy text wall