Author Topic: Squad Night Foiled Again  (Read 968 times)

Offline halcyon

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Re: Re: Squad Night Foiled Again
« Reply #15 on: June 11, 2007, 09:35:13 PM »
Originally posted by Larry
Read the MOTD again please. Why do people think the AvA is some fairy land where no one does anything bad. Lately there has been an influx of MAers who bring they're MA play into the arena. The AvA vets hardly EVER vulch. (only time I do is we are fighting and you run to the ack and try to land) If you fly into a horde dont think that squadies are going to sit back and watch thier buddies get killed. HOing is something that a few dweebs do. I could name them but youll know them in the first minute of fighting them.

Read the MOTD again? What for? To read the same bit about fairness and no HO'ing and all that bullcrap?

I read it once, saw what it said, then observed something completely different.
My squad and I left the arena.

'Nuff said.


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Squad Night Foiled Again
« Reply #16 on: June 11, 2007, 10:06:22 PM »
what larry says is true.  typically there are good fights in the AvA as long as the regulars are there.  caveat, there are so few regulars any more that the Ava has become a crappy microcosm of the MA with retarded planesets.

aside from the above the few remaining players have oh so fragile egos and have become such handwringers that in my case it is no fun to play in there anymore.

one day I decided to not return and I haven't.

Offline Larry

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Squad Night Foiled Again
« Reply #17 on: June 11, 2007, 10:13:19 PM »
The MOTD said nothing about don't HO. It said try not to. We have one tard in the AvA who trys for the HO every time. You said your squad left because of the HO and ganging, but where did you go....MA? Hands down the flights in the AvA even on it worst day would be 10x better then the MAs. Your trashing an arena, from the looks at it one time, and you deside to come on the BBS whining like the AvA is a bad place. You can on a day when we had the dweebest player on (okllok), he makes me leave sometimes because his first move in ever flight is the HO, even if you get past that he'll try again and again.
Once known as ''TrueKill''.
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Offline crockett

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Re: Re: Squad Night Foiled Again
« Reply #18 on: June 12, 2007, 12:54:38 AM »
Originally posted by Bronk
Eny of 25 you say, wow that is rough.

Tell me, did it ever occur to you  to jump to the low numbers side?
Bet you and your whole squad could have.


Did you ever consider that numbers on a team often don't depict the actual battle in the air?

For instance tonight. in orange, like usual Bish and Knight are barely fighting each other. Rooks getting attacked full force at both ends, yet at one point we were hit with 15 ENY regardless of the actual fact that we were out numbered at both ends.

So do we switch to the Bish and make that battle against the rooks even more unbalanced or do we switch to the Nits and make it unbalanced there?

Or better yet, just log off because ENY is a joke..

Offline Sweet2th

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Squad Night Foiled Again
« Reply #19 on: June 12, 2007, 01:39:21 AM »
Originally posted by nirvana
Gank?  Is that a fishing term?

I always thought it was a Ghetto term meaning : too steal or get something.

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Re: Squad Night Foiled Again
« Reply #20 on: June 12, 2007, 01:47:05 AM »
Originally posted by halcyon
Logged on tonight for squad night, and we see AvA is populated!
Arena message states, "be a not HO, vulch, or gank."

First engagement a Hurri2C HO's my squaddie.
Second engagement we have four and they come in with 8 from 5k higher our alt.
Third engagement a P38 HO's another squaddie on takeoff.

Just because the sign says NO doesn't mean they won't.You must always be ready for the un-expected.Learn to avoid.

There was about 20 of us in the AvA last night on channel 231 and we didn't HO each other but we sure expected it.

Why up from a vulched field?????

The AvA has always been and will always be a way better place to fly IMHO
the people you encounter are way more friendly and they Don't runaway as much as they do in the MA.Good clean fights is what i always encounter in the AvA.

It is true that there are some newer players in the AvA(which is always a good thing) and it may take some time for them to realize the AvA isn't just like the MA and they will eventually see that, or maybe someone could take the time to inform them.

Either way i am sorry to hear your experience was a bad one.Stop by Tuesday night around 10PM eastern, i know you'll have more FUN the next time around.


Offline SteveBailey

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Re: Re: Re: Squad Night Foiled Again
« Reply #21 on: June 12, 2007, 03:20:03 AM »
Originally posted by crockett
So do we switch to the Bish and make that battle against the rooks even more unbalanced or do we switch to the Nits and make it unbalanced there?


You could have switched to bish and taken the fight to the nits, since you said they weren't fighting.*

*Which is  usually whiny BS as of course the team w/ the higher numbers is going to have more of their opponents focus on them, they present more targets.  Many people, me included, log in and join the country w/ the fewest numbers... bish or nit lately, then head to the biggest enemy darbar(typically the rook horde).

get out of the horde.  Trust me, it's fun.

I thought I saw someone suggest once that rather than have ENY lock out planes outright, it makes them perked instead.

Unfortunately, some of us dweebs have over 40k perk points.

Offline crockett

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Squad Night Foiled Again
« Reply #22 on: June 12, 2007, 10:46:20 AM »
Originally posted by SteveBailey
You could have switched to bish and taken the fight to the nits, since you said they weren't fighting.*

*Which is  usually whiny BS as of course the team w/ the higher numbers is going to have more of their opponents focus on them, they present more targets.  Many people, me included, log in and join the country w/ the fewest numbers... bish or nit lately, then head to the biggest enemy darbar(typically the rook horde).

get out of the horde.  Trust me, it's fun.


Unfortunately, some of us dweebs have over 40k perk points.

I normally always fly out of the hoard.. I can't stand furballs because I want to earn my kills and I don't want a kill I've worked on taken by the next guy that happened to fly by.

I've switched sides many times in the past, when this kind of thing was going on. Typically what happens is You go fly around some other base in the dar to let them know you are there and no one comes up.

Why? Probably because they figure you will just BnZ them and lets faces it, rarely is one con ever a threat to a base. So if you do happen to get lucky and get someone to up it's likely a noob that's not much of a challenge.

So end resualt he ups once or twice you kill him and he gets tired of dying.

Offline halcyon

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Re: Re: Squad Night Foiled Again
« Reply #23 on: June 12, 2007, 07:04:49 PM »
Originally posted by Larry
Your trashing an arena, from the looks at it one time...

No we've been in there quite a few times over the past month, each time it's similar behavior.

Originally posted by Sweet2th
Why up from a vulched field?????

It was a carrier...the only thing we could up from on the axis side where the action was.

Offline Sweet2th

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Re: Re: Re: Squad Night Foiled Again
« Reply #24 on: June 13, 2007, 12:40:48 AM »
Originally posted by halcyon

It was a carrier...the only thing we could up from on the axis side where the action was.

Rgr that, after that went down we all switched to fighting over the channel.

Been some really good players in there massed together at once, always makes for a dang good time sorry ya missed it.