Tigers Over Rangoon 7pm Pacific/10pm Eastern
Time Zone Converter Country Percentages
Allied - 50% Bishops
Japanese - 50% Knights
P-40B 100% of Allied Aircraft
Roll and CAP A1 (Rangoon)
Alt cap of 20,000 feet until enemy dots are spotted.
A6M2 100% of Axis Aircraft
Roll A10 and fighter sweep A1 (Rangoon)
Alt cap of 20,000 feet until enemy dots are spotted.
Victory Conditions
P-40 - 10 points
A6M2 - 10 points
Arena Settings
1. Terrain - Rangoon
2. Icon range - short
3. Radar - off.
4. Fighter,Bomber and Tower warning range - 58,000 feet (about 11 miles)
5. Tower warning range - 58,000 feet for radar ring display and base flashing.
6. Visibility - 14 miles
7. Wind - none
8. External view for bombers - N/A
9. Friendly collision - off
10. Enemy collisions - 0n
11. Kill shooter - off
12. Fuel - 1.5
13. Time - 11 AM
14. Ack .5
Designer Notes
The most common fighter type at that time for the Flying Tigers to engage was the
Type I-96 'Claude' or the Type I-97 'Nate'. The A6M2 will substitue for those.
CM Notes
If there is time and enough players then we will host a second frame with players switching planes.