Ive talked to others about this and these are my feelings towards scenarios, or special events.
Due to SO many weekly events, the "special" feeling of a major event is diminished. Fly a large formation of the same aircraft? I can do that on any given night of the week. Yes it provides more access for the world to partake in, but overall its like event overload.
I do take part in many of the FSOs, and Snapshots, among others, but when a major event rolls around
it just doesnt pump me up like the days of AW did when we had the MA, and every few months a major event. That was all.
Im not saying I'd rather not see the other events, I'm just saying thats what effect they have on my interest level when it comes to major events.
As for the major events themselves, I would like to see less reliance on bases captures, and more on kills and bomber hit % on a target.
Bases dont have to change hands to make a fun event.
I have enjoyed the past few events Ive been in, but as far as trends are concerned, I'd like to see the next few designs geared more to air combat, high in the skies. And as some have stated, preferably with one life.
This is just my opinion, feel free to agree or disagree with it.