Author Topic: Need some help with my 38L  (Read 586 times)

Offline MRTalon

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Need some help with my 38L
« on: June 20, 2007, 01:29:34 PM »
i've been playing with my 38L in H2H lately, been saddling up quite a few vic's each sortie, normal of 3+, but i'm still having troubles with it. Regarding a plane on my six, i normally go vert if i know i have a good E advantage and just hammerhead on there six and shoot em down. but how do i get a plane off my six when we have almost twin like E and i can't vert since i'll just give him a huge billboard in the sky to shoot at? any help is greatly helpful and or guides to help me pilot my new favorite plane ^_^.

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Need some help with my 38L
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2007, 01:49:20 PM »
Push the nose over but slow down, throw in a tight turn left or right , at least 270 degrees, then barrel roll L or R, either way,  try to force the overshoot.  Works best if nme is approaching form your high 6 with lots of extra speed.  But if it's equal E and he doesn't make a mistake, well, your dead.

I think Mudr has a few vids on the training site.
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Re: Need some help with my 38L
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2007, 10:14:21 PM »
Originally posted by MRTalon
... but how do i get a plane off my six when we have almost twin like E and i can't vert since i'll just give him a huge billboard in the sky to shoot at?

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Offline Bubbajj

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Need some help with my 38L
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2007, 10:21:47 PM »
LOL Clerick!!:lol

Offline Guppy35

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Need some help with my 38L
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2007, 01:06:29 AM »
Problem is you are in an L when you should be in a 38G.  Then you just out turn em and kill em :)


Clerick, while joking is also half right too.  Flying with a decent wing can help the cause a lot.

That or follow a 38G driver with a death wish like me.  38G's make great bait for the 38J and L drivers cause the baduns see that G and make for it right away.  The J and L drivers can then come screaming down and pick em off.

I did that just the other night and was laughing as the 6-7 bandits all trying to shoot my 38G got hammered by the guys who came down to clear me.  Not a ping to be had on the wiggling 38G :)
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Need some help with my 38L
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2007, 07:17:41 AM »
Originally posted by Guppy35

why would we "bloody murdr" again? I think he learned his lesson the last time :t

In a co "E" situation, I try to get an "E" differance. I'm not going to just pull away, tho if I have room and my 38L will out accelerate the enemy plane in a dive that would be an option. In most cases, slowing quick.... flaps, chop throttle, hard rudder... to get them to close faster. Once you get them closing hard, you cut out their options a bit. While the "L" isn't as nimble as the "G", it can do a slow speed dance better than most planes too.

of course, I have taken a lot of my lessons from Corky and leave almost as many 38 parts laying around as he dose :D

Offline Damionte

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Need some help with my 38L
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2007, 05:41:06 PM »
My tactis change depending on where we are. Also on what the other guy is flying.

At medium to high altitude if I am low on E I put my nose down some  and turn against the torque of the other guys engine. So like if it's an american plane I turn right. A german I go left. I'm usually able to tighten that turn up to the point that they can't quite bring thier guns around on me easily. As I see them try to pull in that tight turn I barrel roll the oposite direction. Often the other gyu is intent on thier shot and try to follow me through the roll. Thus I will get a quick rolling scisors like reversal.

If we're both at a high higher E state depending on th other fighter I may do the same thing but with a climbing spiral. There are only a coupel of planes I've had this climbing spiral work against. Usually zeroes, and other older planes which don't have good sustained climb rates or bad low speed torque.

I Nose up and pull that turn as tight as I can. The other plane due to the torque on the engine can't keep up as we climb. They eventually stall out, at which point I roll over and shoot them as they tumble. This one doesn't always work though. I havn't got to the level where I can always accurately judge the E state of my opponent. I occasionally guess wrong and find the other guy had plenty of E to follo wme up, or I have banked up too steeply and end up stalling before the other guy. when I do it right though it works great.

Other than that the only other move I use religiously is the rolling scissors. I find this works well for me against pretty much everything except the freaking Corsairs and some of the Spits. The corsairs are too good at medium and low speeds, and the Spits just turn too damn tight. I have managed to beat a coulpe of coursairs using off angle rollign scissors. At VEEEERRRY low speeds. I think this more more to them underestimating the 38L than anything I did in particular. most view the 38L as nothign more than a medium bomber without a bay. so they're surprised when you flip a ***** on them.

Actually I've been shot down air to air by medium bobmers before I realised they had foward mounted guns.

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Offline MRTalon

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Need some help with my 38L
« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2007, 10:19:26 AM »
alright, thank's for the advice guy's!

Offline 64kills

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Need some help with my 38L
« Reply #8 on: July 03, 2007, 12:22:54 PM »
get high with you38 and if some one wants to engadege you dive an your faster