Author Topic: End of ENY  (Read 1248 times)

Offline Tac

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End of ENY
« Reply #15 on: November 22, 2007, 12:33:50 PM »
well, the attackers, if they are using late-war rides, will be low on fuel and will have to have flown a VERY long way to get there.

After they take the base, they will be surrounded by late war bases and have no reinforcements coming with alt to help them while the previous base owners are launching constant attacks on the field to retake it.

Its no different from what would happen if they take a rear base in the game today.. with the notable exception that any reinforcements they wish to bring with any alt advantage would have to come from bases far away. Again, time to target.

Offline hyster

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End of ENY
« Reply #16 on: November 22, 2007, 12:57:09 PM »
i dont like eny but i do see the need for it. the only change id like to see is the perk fighters have a eny less than 5. at the min when eny hits 5.0  you lose the the perk planes  and "good" planes IE: spit16 and la7 at the same time . id prefer we lose the perk planes before we lose the "good" planes.

ME 62       eny 1
ME 162     eny 2 (not sure about this 1 as its limated to 1 field anyway)
tempest    eny 3
spit 14      eny 4

spit 16      eny 5
la-7      eny 5

Offline TUXC

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End of ENY
« Reply #17 on: November 22, 2007, 01:05:45 PM »
Where did the term ENY come from? Is it an acronym or something else?


Offline clerick

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End of ENY
« Reply #18 on: November 22, 2007, 02:01:36 PM »
My only issue with ENY is that there are a few specific instances that it it doesn't seem to make sense.

1) When the total arena population is very low.  The country numbers are very close, but as a percentage the numbers are way off.  10 more players nets an insane ENY.  

Instead of ENY as it is, perhaps add a perk cost to all vehicles?  In situations where there is balance most aircraft have a 0 cost, as sides become unbalanced the perk starts to rise.  Make it so you can fly a plane, IF you have the perks, make it hurt for losing it.  Part of this is already in place with the perk multiplier.

2) when one side owns a majority of the map, but they have low numbers.  Seems a bit lopsided to allow the side with the territory advantage the ENY advantage too.

Easy fix is to take into account war status when figuring ENY.

Offline Rino

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End of ENY
« Reply #19 on: November 22, 2007, 02:05:48 PM »
Originally posted by jazzman1315
Oh well, if I was a better pilot I probably wouldn't care. Thanks for the response, anyway. I suppose it would be better if I refrained from posting when I'm hot.

     Really good advice, but really hard to follow :D
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Offline Bino

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End of ENY
« Reply #20 on: November 22, 2007, 07:44:46 PM »
I like ENY.  It forces me to display some adaptability, and fly something new from time to time.

In fact, I think the ENY values should be increased, to make it have yet more impact on the side with a large advantage in numbers.  But I do agree with Clerick's first point, that when the total arena numbers are low, ENY should be scaled somehow.

Just my two Quatloos.  ;)

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Offline goober69

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End of ENY
« Reply #21 on: November 24, 2007, 09:13:20 AM »
Originally posted by Tac
well, the attackers, if they are using late-war rides, will be low on fuel and will have to have flown a VERY long way to get there.

After they take the base, they will be surrounded by late war bases and have no reinforcements coming with alt to help them while the previous base owners are launching constant attacks on the field to retake it.

Its no different from what would happen if they take a rear base in the game today.. with the notable exception that any reinforcements they wish to bring with any alt advantage would have to come from bases far away. Again, time to target.

negative to that eveyrone will fly p47n's and p51ds with full fuel and drops climb to 20k spend about 15-20 min in flight and still destroy the ew planes lol thats what id do, hell i do that now :D

ful fuel goes a looooong way over an hour in most of these, are you wanting life sized maps?
i dont mind eny i just switch countires or pick something else.
 no big deal
flying as Marvin57
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Offline goober69

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End of ENY
« Reply #22 on: November 24, 2007, 09:17:13 AM »
Originally posted by hyster
i dont like eny but i do see the need for it. the only change id like to see is the perk fighters have a eny less than 5. at the min when eny hits 5.0  you lose the the perk planes  and "good" planes IE: spit16 and la7 at the same time . id prefer we lose the perk planes before we lose the "good" planes.

ME 62       eny 1
ME 162     eny 2 (not sure about this 1 as its limated to 1 field anyway)
tempest    eny 3
spit 14      eny 4

spit 16      eny 5
la-7      eny 5

very good idea in theory id love to see it in practice
flying as Marvin57
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W.S  Henery V

Offline Tac

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End of ENY
« Reply #23 on: November 24, 2007, 10:31:05 AM »
Originally posted by goober69
negative to that eveyrone will fly p47n's and p51ds with full fuel and drops climb to 20k spend about 15-20 min in flight and still destroy the ew planes lol thats what id do, hell i do that now :D

ful fuel goes a looooong way over an hour in most of these, are you wanting life sized maps?
i dont mind eny i just switch countires or pick something else.
 no big deal

Which again, Time to Target. You had to fly 15-20 mins in a late war ride to be able to go to the front and face earlier war rides. Compared to what we have now of you dying and taking off again 5 seconds later in another P51D on the front-line field directly below where you were shot down.

The idea is that if you have to fly 20 minutes from the rear in a late war ride to get to the front... that means theres one less late war ride flying in the front for 20 minutes.

Now, lets say the knights take over all the bish frontline fields. Now the bish have mid-war fields AS their frontline and late war rides can get to the front even faster. Knights on the other hand, now have TWO layer of fields which are EARLY war (their own front bases and the bish front bases they captured). Now knight's late war rides have to fly an additional layer of fields to get to the fight.

This layer effect grants a bonus in combat capability to the defending side. As it should be. The attacker will then have to begin a bombing campaign to neutralize/diminish the capability of the enemy's airfields so they can keep pushing... and I do mean BOMBERS because early and mid-war bombers are more effective BOMBING than the late-war fighter-bombers and the bombers can up from fields up front while the late wars would need to up from fields 3 to 4 layers behind the lines, heavy with ordenance... you can do 2 bombing runs with frontline bombers (formation of 3) in the same time it'd take you to do 1 late war fighterbomber run.

Once the knights take over the bish mid-war fields then the war gets a bit more interesting as the knights are now at a REAL disadvantage fighter-wise (only early+mid-war vs bish late war fields)... which makes the bombing campaign even more vital for the knights and bomber interdiction even more important for the bish (all the while counter-attacking of course).

Lets say knights manage to sneak-take a late war field behind the bish lines from the very start...

knights would lose that base quickly as bish would be coming at that base with full force of late-war rides vs the knights upping low fuel, being at low alt, late war rides. Its no different than if you NOE-take a field deep behind the lines.. you cant hold it for long.

Offline goober69

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End of ENY
« Reply #24 on: November 25, 2007, 08:30:15 PM »
makes good sense but everyone would hate it so id never hapen i think.
id still up from four bases away im used to doing that now.
it would take for ever to win a map, depending on how much people want to furball. (ive seen some maps stay up for a week or more)
squeekers would get soooo bored with the game.
only benifit is that everyone would have to learn just about every plane, therefore it considerably benifits the vets who are already at a significant advantage over the main crowd.
IMO decent well thought out idea but it would just not work.

lol how many people just ignore bombers now, it would make killing bombers a necesity and therefore a lot of the fights might be higher than 10k  also what do you make a cv i mean sure its limitied but it can go anywhere there is water. would definitly make loosing a cv hurt a lot.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2007, 08:33:06 PM by goober69 »
flying as Marvin57
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Offline Gowan

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End of ENY
« Reply #25 on: November 25, 2007, 08:58:37 PM »
Originally posted by goober69
makes good sense but everyone would hate it so id never hapen i think.

too bad for them, they should appreciate what real people had to fly

Originally posted by goober69
squeekers would get soooo bored with the game.

I think we all agree squeekers are annoying pests that are only good for getting me some perkies

Originally posted by goober69
only benifit is that everyone would have to learn just about every plane,
YAY!!!!! <--- one of two positive things this post will have

Originally posted by goober69
it would make killing bombers a necesity and therefore a lot of the fights might be higher than 10k
YES!!!! thats what realistic dogfights were fought at

Originally posted by goober69
what do you make a cv i mean sure its limitied but it can go anywhere there is water.
cv's have a somewhat limited hangar anyways. the only problem with it are the us navy planes, and we could probably toss a perk on them and ban them from mainland bases'

GowGow's $0.10

also, i love your plan tac, and you deserve a cookie for a good idea ^_^

Offline goober69

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End of ENY
« Reply #26 on: November 26, 2007, 07:38:19 AM »
i dunno it is a good idea maybe should be implemented in another arena first to see how it takes. cause come on how many people you ever see flying early war mid war or AVA anymore.

if people wanted to fly the earlier planes those arenas would be full.

i think the current system is ok it could change acording to who has the most feilds, i agree with that aspect of it. i also agree that more fights at "historical alts" would benifit the game.

oh and dont perk my f4u's lol i love them too much.

i still say that with that system anyone willing to take the time to do it can fly a lw ride at the front, and if they are good enough to get kills and rtb they can go one layer back drop the tanks at takeoff and still be at the front. takes more time but still.
this would give vets a huge advantage as the people who i see regualrly land more than ten kills in a lw ride if they were facing ew mw planes all the time. they could just rinse and repeat this till they got forty or so kills.
pilot dependent of course.

thats all i dont agree with about it i mean if you spend the perks to get the 262 or if you fly any other bomber killer like a tal tempest or typh and get over your frontline bases, we establised that killing bombers would become a necesity. you could just kill bombers all day long and land tons of kills. because you dont have to go back to where you came from to land or rearm.
especialy the 262 30/40 (im not sure here) min of fuel at 400+ mph will take you a very long way even longer if you cut the rpms. the maps would have to be huge with many miles between bases before fuel would really become a factor at 2xburn. as of now anyone flying one of the huge fuel planes usualy runs out of ammo before fuel anyway.

i see your vison though.
lets get us some real european theatre maps while were at it.
oops thats in ava areana.:aok

one good benift lol the la7/5 would become obsolete unless your last line bases were being attacked.
i think if fuel wasnt a factor it should be perked anyway or didnt it use to be?
i know the tal used to be perked and i think the spit 16 was too at one point.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2007, 07:41:59 AM by goober69 »
flying as Marvin57
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Offline goober69

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End of ENY
« Reply #27 on: November 26, 2007, 07:43:53 AM »
another solution to eny would be only lw fighters/attackers in lw arena and so forth but that would get old quick.
flying as Marvin57
"we few we happy few,
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W.S  Henery V

Offline WMLute

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End of ENY
« Reply #28 on: November 26, 2007, 08:28:41 AM »
I wonder if, when ENY kicked in, instead of not be able to fly a plane,HTC allowed you to fly it as a perked ride.  As ENY climbs up, so to does the perk cost.


ENY = 5-10
ENY 5 plane = 20 perks

ENY 10-15
ENY 5 plane = 30 perks
ENY 10 plane = 20 perks

ENY 15-20
ENY 5 plane = 40 perks
ENY 10 plane = 30 perks
ENY 15 planes = 20 perks

ENY 20-25
ENY 5 plane = 80 perks
ENY 10 plane = 60 perks
ENY 15 planes = 40 perks
ENY 20 planes = 20 perks

ENY 25-30
ENY 5 plane = 160 perks
ENY 10 plane = 120 perks
ENY 15 planes = 80 perks
ENY 20 planes = 40 perks
ENY 25 planes = 20 perks

Only thing I can't figure out is what to do @ perked planes.
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