We had a great night in the AVA last night. the numbers we a bit low, so jg54 split their squad to even things up. it was a good time. We had a few new players in there and some regulars.
I wanted to personally thank hvyguns6 and mef4ud for giving me HO ducking lessons. it was a great experience, thanks guys. i know when you guys show up, class is always in session.
later on 1duke1 was on an extreme killing spree and did very well. <S> to 1duke1!
Skyguns was busy sinking carriers and doing a fine job of it.
anyway it was a fun time. if you've never been in the AVA drop in. theres always someone around to show you the ropes and let you know whats what.
<S> to everyone
this propaganda report brought to you by JG54 and Teh Tardwhackers