Author Topic: Anyone own a Saitek aviator?  (Read 767 times)

Offline Krusty

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Anyone own a Saitek aviator?
« Reply #15 on: August 02, 2007, 04:33:08 PM »
And this doesn't happen in fighters without turrets?

Try something for me... Go to the controls mapper. Map the Z axis (rudder) to NOTHING. That is to say, unmap it and leave it that way.

Use ASD on keyboard for rudder just temporarily. Take off, get in the guns and fly to the nearest red con.

See if it still happens with the rudder axis unmapped.

It's possible that the stick is the culprit (but I don't think so). However, if this still happens with the entire Z axis UNMAPPED then we know it's not the stick. Process of elimination.

Offline Rich46yo

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Anyone own a Saitek aviator?
« Reply #16 on: August 02, 2007, 07:08:52 PM »
Originally posted by Krusty
And this doesn't happen in fighters without turrets?

Try something for me... Go to the controls mapper. Map the Z axis (rudder) to NOTHING. That is to say, unmap it and leave it that way.

Use ASD on keyboard for rudder just temporarily. Take off, get in the guns and fly to the nearest red con.

See if it still happens with the rudder axis unmapped.

It's possible that the stick is the culprit (but I don't think so). However, if this still happens with the entire Z axis UNMAPPED then we know it's not the stick. Process of elimination.

                       Thanks for staying with me Krust. Ive tried mapping it to nothing and I was unable to fly the aircraft. The keyboard just dont cut it, which is why we buy sticks. I had a nice Lanc flight last night and the guns were a bit better , or seemed to be. What kills me is when I have to go top right to low left/top left to low right when gunning. I was able to at least fight off a 109 and get the bomber home, after incinerating a refinery, "my favorite BTW".:D I love the smell of gasoline in the morning.

                      While I'm trying to figure this out I'm adjusting my tactics and doing more slithering about, out of radar range and up high. I must be hitting something cause I can fly the AR 234, and feel almost invulnerable in it. I really hate doing more suicide runs to test guns. My personal style is to avoid a fight and just take out targets. I once had a mission so long my Lanc ran out of gas on IB with a full tank loaded.

                     I deadened my Z even more and when I get into an unavoidable fight I'll test it then and letya know.

                   And thank you to all who have tried to help me with this......................... .bombrich
"flying the aircraft of the Red Star"

Offline Krusty

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Anyone own a Saitek aviator?
« Reply #17 on: August 02, 2007, 08:11:51 PM »
You say you were unable to fly the plane... Does that mean you never got into combat to see if the problem persisted? Or does that mean you STILL had the problem (despite no rudder) while having no rudder?

If you never got far enough to test it...

Unmap the Z axis totally, then go to flight settings and enable "auto takeoff" so you don't need it there. Then once in the air you can get about (passably) without rudder.

Keyboard doesn't cut it, no, but it will do for a test sortie or three.

Note you can also lock the tail wheel by pulling back on the stick halfway while on the ground (helps a great deal keeping the plane straight without rudder)

Offline Rich46yo

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Anyone own a Saitek aviator?
« Reply #18 on: August 02, 2007, 09:57:18 PM »
Im happy to say all appears better now. I took some Lancs on a long, long end around "45 mins in the air" to hit a refinery and got jumped by a 109. The guns seemed to swing better since I installed the new drive and deadened my Z even more. I got shot up, but this time I just plain got outflown. Besides the Lanc sucks defensively.

                     Is it common for the little airplane in the clipboard to change directions when you go to a gun? I think all is a little better now. Tomorrow is another day.
"flying the aircraft of the Red Star"

Offline The Fugitive

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Anyone own a Saitek aviator?
« Reply #19 on: August 02, 2007, 10:10:54 PM »
Yes the airplane on the map with change to the dirrection your looking while in the gun positions.

By increasing the dead band or damping your removing the rudder from your twisty stick. Like its been said, even a bit of movment in the twist, while pulling the stick around will cause the problem you were having. The trick now will be getting the sliders adjusted so that you can be stable while gunning, but still have full use of your rudder input for flying.

Hooking up with a trainer in the training arena for 15 mins would go a long way in getting your stick set-up right, and increase your enjoyment in the game 10 fold.

Good luck

Offline Krusty

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Anyone own a Saitek aviator?
« Reply #20 on: August 02, 2007, 10:30:37 PM »
Here's something you can do...

Map 2 keys in the keyboard map. Map "set stickset 1" and "set stickset2". Find some other commands you don't ever use and overwrite them.

Set up stickset 1 (in control mapper) as you want, make sure the rudder is mapped. You will need this most times for any non-bomber you fly, and may want it for takeoffs and landings.

Set stickset 2 to the same as stickset 1 (there's a "copy" command). Then UNMAP the Z axis.

When you jump to guns, hit the key you mapped for "Set stickset2"

When you go back to the cockpit, hit the key for "Set stickset1".

Overall I think it was that you were twisting your rudder when you were gunning, maybe. I don't know for sure without a film (P.S. do you have a film?). However, if this seems to help, it's a good walk-around until you find something better.

I use something similar, but not for the rudder, I use it to double the number of buttons on my joystick :D

Offline Rich46yo

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Anyone own a Saitek aviator?
« Reply #21 on: August 03, 2007, 06:41:35 AM »
Thanks for the advice guys. Yes i should hook up with a trainer, Ive been trying to but my hours are all messed up. It appears the new Aviator driver I installed seems to be helping. Great advice on Alt R during a gunfight. Why didnt I think about that? Funny but this stick thing even happened when I was gunning for someone.

                        Larger deadzones make the aircraft less responsive right? That doesnt really bother me cause I fly bombers.

                        I need to spend more time in the training section. I just belly flopped a 234 and a whole lot of good missions were taken away from me.:(
"flying the aircraft of the Red Star"

Offline Rich46yo

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Anyone own a Saitek aviator?
« Reply #22 on: August 05, 2007, 10:32:44 PM »
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeess! I dumped this aviator and bought a X52. What a world of difference. I can now gun out of a stable platform.:D
"flying the aircraft of the Red Star"

Offline The Fugitive

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Anyone own a Saitek aviator?
« Reply #23 on: August 06, 2007, 06:25:39 AM »
Originally posted by Rich46yo
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeess! I dumped this aviator and bought a X52. What a world of difference. I can now gun out of a stable platform.:D

.....and you thought it was a game bug ! :D