Author Topic: Last day in DHS  (Read 233 times)

Offline Phaser11

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Last day in DHS
« on: August 17, 2007, 09:19:51 AM »
As I leave the Department of Homeland Security I reflect on many things, but most of all the people from other countries that want to start a new life here in the USA. There are only two kinds. Yep only two, they are as follows.

 From the first day they start the process of becoming citizens, they are presented with an overwhelming task. I see them sitting in the waiting area for hours with hopes and dreams of a better life for them and there family. I see there children trying to be good and sit still, asking when they will be done and can they go home yet. I see old and young, men and woman, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, atheists, doctors, engineers, landscapers, builders and the persecuted all sitting together with the same dreams. I see them sitting at the interview trying to speak a language they are trying learn and say the simplest of suntans with great pride. Then there are some who make fun of them for there “broken english”. Those who do that to these Americans are nothing more than loosers and take what it is to be an American and through it in the garbage can.
 There are no fights between them, not the blatant hatred we see on the news, just Americans. Yep I said Americans. I really feel once these people start the legal process of becoming US citizens, following all the rules, paying all the money, the endless waiting and finally the tears and happiness at the citizenship ceremony, they are American. I see the dreams of every American come true every day.

Illegal Aliens
 They are picked up at every work location you can think of. Not just the jobs the US citizens don’t want, as lied about in the news, but everywhere. Construction sites, farms doctors offices, factories, office buildings, everywhere.
 They arrive here under arrest for processing and disposition (Jail, deportation ect.). Some are just trying to make money to send back home, but some are not. They do not care about the process that they have to go through to be US citizens, they want it now. They do not want to wait, pay there taxes, be part of our community, they ONLY want money. Some may say that it is not true, but remember I’m sitting here right now. I have for the last 8 years. If you are not here and have never worked here you have no idea what you are talking about. It is the same as someone who was never in the Military, telling you what it is like to be a solider.
 Most are quite and will leave without a problem, others are down right mean. I have seen them hit, bite, through things, scream, swear, spit and many other things that defy description. Some are drug dealers, gang members, mafia, salvers, pedophiles, murders and every other criminal you can think of.  These are the worst that this world has to offer.
 Do I think every illegal immigrants are evil? No, but you tell me, do they ware a sign? How can you tell just buy looking at them? They will be the first to tell you that they are the good guys and let me tell you THEY ARE BAD.

The Men and Women if the Department of Homeland Security.
 There lives are a never ending sea of paperwork and strife. But everyday they march back to there desk and do it again. They follow rules that change every time there is an election or a political whim. They cheer for the new citizens of this country and control there rage when they free people smuggled into this country as sex slaves. There professionalism is so great it cannot be expressed in a simple document as this. Yet they continue to overcome insurmountable problems and defend this country, sometimes with there lives.
To all of them, my hat is off.

So my advice after all this is, if you get in a taxi, got to a store, know a person form another country that is an American citizen, that has gone through all the strife to become a US Citizen, TREAT THEM LIKE ONE. They are our brothers and sisters, neighbors and friends and yes some are defenders of this great country. If you know someone that is or has immigrated and cannot speak English very well, help them learn, be part of the community, not just another squeeker.

To those who are here illegally, you will get caught. No matter where you hide or how long you avoid the law, your days in this country are numbered.

"Long time we no get drunk together nathen"
"Silence! I kill you"


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Last day in DHS
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2007, 09:21:51 AM »
along with the civil rights that this nation was founded upon.

Offline Maverick

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« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2007, 11:47:56 AM »

Thanks for hanging in as long as you did.

Where are ya headed to now, or can you say?
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Offline eskimo2

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« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2007, 12:08:01 PM »
Thanks for the perspective.

Offline Phaser11

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« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2007, 07:35:31 PM »
 Into the private sector and a different kind of job. More manager that tech.

"Long time we no get drunk together nathen"
"Silence! I kill you"

Offline Curval

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Last day in DHS
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2007, 07:54:52 PM »
No ablo Engrish.
Some will fall in love with life and drink it from a fountain that is pouring like an avalanche coming down the mountain