Author Topic: JG11 Recruiting  (Read 226284 times)

Offline Molsman

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Re: JG11 Recruiting
« Reply #1320 on: May 02, 2019, 01:42:59 PM »
 :rofl :rofl :rofl

JG11, DerWanderZirkus, -The Flying Clowns-
Wait n Bleed

Offline MDStampf93

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Re: JG11 Recruiting
« Reply #1321 on: April 13, 2021, 08:45:28 PM »
 :noid :noid :noid :noid :noid :noid :noid
MDStampf - CO of JG11 'Sonderstaffel'
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Re: JG11 Recruiting
« Reply #1322 on: June 02, 2021, 12:26:26 AM »
Rider has returned
JG11, DerWanderZirkus, -The Flying Clowns-
Wait n Bleed

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Re: JG11 Recruiting
« Reply #1323 on: December 23, 2021, 05:23:50 PM »
« Last Edit: December 23, 2021, 05:31:26 PM by Stampf »
- Der Wander Zirkus -
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Offline Stampf

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Re: JG11 Recruiting
« Reply #1324 on: December 23, 2021, 05:30:16 PM »
This time of year always gets me in the mood to goggle up...

Christmas Eve - 2005,

I had only been in the game a few months, and was up in an FW190A-5 looking for action.  I had recently joined my first squadron in AH - VF-15 - 'Satan's Playmates'.  I could hear them on vox, fighting it out and having a blast doing so, but as was the usual case, I found myself miles from they were launching bluebirds from carriers, and I was in my Luft crate as always.  I started playing AH because I wanted to fly Luftwaffe, and found the 3 country non historical set up of the Main Arena game...surprising and honestly, disappointing as well.

Alone...and continuously being jumped and shot down I contemplated leaving the game altogether as I was unable to find the experience of what I was looking for.  The guys in VF-15 were all good guys, and helpful as well, but being a Luft enthusiast and a noob, among skilled US Navy flyer's I couldn't shake feeling like an outcast.

Shot down again...launch again...

Glancing out the canopy I spotted a squadmate.  The icon over his Bf109 read, 'Zud'.  I chuckled to myself everytime I saw him, thinking of the little yellow can of cleaner my father always had on the workbench in the garage as I was growing up.  In the few weeks I was in the squad I couldn't recall ever hearing Zud on vox, but it dawned on me that I had never seen him in anything other than one of Willie's finest.  I wondered if perhaps he was feeling the same way I was and decided to take a chance and send him a PM, asking if he wouldn't mind meeting me over in the Training Arena for a couple minutes.  He replied, "Sure".

I was nervous, as my mind raced on what I was thinking about.  I had rolled my plane out of the hanger in the TA and was awaiting Zud to arrive.  Presently I heard a 109 spin up, and out of the hanger taxied Zud.  He rolled up to me, shut down, and transmitted, "So Stampf, whats up?"  I wasn't sure where to begin, so I just let it all rip...explaining my feelings to him, and my dissatisfaction with the situation, and what I had in mind.  As it turned out...He felt exactly the same way I did and explained that his only interest was the Luftwaffe, and flying his beloved Bf109.

I didn't even know how to form a squad, other than it took two players to do I asked him if he would leave the 15th, and join an all German unit, if I created it.  He agreed...and we talked long into the Christmas morning hours together.  Finally I was excited about the game and decided that if I could not find the experience I was looking for, I would create it for myself, and try to find others looking for the same thing.  And so the all Luftwafffe experience was born.

I could never imagine on that night, seven years ago, what would all come from that simple gamble and encounter with Zud, and never dreamed that our little experiment would turn out so wonderful for all involved.  Finally the game had meaning to me, and I was determined to make this squad something special, and unique in the game.

From that night to this day, we still begin every squad night together in the TA, not only to group up and warm up, but to honor the very beginnings of the unit, and to remind myself why we started the squad, and what our goals were, the standards we would hold ourselves to, and the path we had chosen to accomplish those goals.  As we begin out 7th year together, I can only marvel at how it all turned out, and be grateful for all the outstanding times I have had, and to the people that I have met both within and outside the unit.  To me...I am the luckiest CO in the game, to have had such success, and to have been supported and joined by the best bunch of guys I have ever had the privilege to be a part of, in any on-line gaming experience.

So, to all of you in the 11th, and to all of you in the game, both friend and foemen, I thank you very much.  May you have all happiness during this holiday season, and find only blue skies and good hunting in the coming years.


Happy Holidays to all my old mates...miss you all!  <S>
- Der Wander Zirkus -
- La Fabrica de Exitos -

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Re: JG11 Recruiting
« Reply #1325 on: December 23, 2021, 07:25:59 PM »
This time of year always gets me in the mood to goggle up...

Happy Holidays to all my old mates...miss you all!  <S>
Glad to see you out there still Sir! Oink
CO for the Pigs On The Wing
& The nicest guy in Aces High!

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Re: JG11 Recruiting
« Reply #1326 on: December 23, 2021, 08:37:00 PM »
 :salute Stamph
Jagdgeschwader 11


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Re: JG11 Recruiting
« Reply #1327 on: December 23, 2021, 09:18:23 PM »
It's good to see you Stampf.  :salute

A fine group you two created that night.  :joystick:

In my book one of the finest, and most respected squads in AH.  :cheers:

Just watch out for that Morfiend character.  :neener:

444th Air Mafia since Air Warrior
Proudly flying with VF-17

"Masters of the Air" Scenario - JG54

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Re: JG11 Recruiting
« Reply #1328 on: December 24, 2021, 09:13:31 AM »
This time of year always gets me in the mood to goggle up...

Happy Holidays to all my old mates...miss you all!  <S>

Same to you buddy!

Thats what I find missing the most these days, solid squads that fly with honor and class and stand for something. You guys were always the "class of the field"  <S> and Merry Christmas!

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Re: JG11 Recruiting
« Reply #1329 on: December 24, 2021, 12:57:00 PM »
I totally agree with fugi <S>
 XO ThunderHorse Squadron.    
"This place is a psychologist's wet dream".... FishBait

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Re: JG11 Recruiting
« Reply #1330 on: December 24, 2021, 02:50:12 PM »
 :salute Stampf

Merry Christmas to you, Sir.
Kommando Nowotny

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Re: JG11 Recruiting
« Reply #1331 on: December 30, 2021, 08:14:16 PM »
Merry XMas Stampf :aok   :salute

JG11  Sonderstaffel , Geschwader Kommodore

 The P51 D was made by the Gods for men to fly. 
 The FW190 D  was made by men, for Gods to fly .

Offline Molsman

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Re: JG11 Recruiting
« Reply #1332 on: February 16, 2022, 12:54:15 AM »
As always Late to the Party I also flew Allied rides for year and did not find my grove. I was like a kid in the Candy store when the Co of the JG11 accepted me to learn the irons and dam I got say I became a good attack fighter and luft bomber pilot.  I can still remember the days that Zud and I would lift off in 110s to find enemy buffs or just cause havic on gvs or a town but either Zud or I always Had Vilkas in our plane and he was comical and serious at the same time during our flights

JG11, DerWanderZirkus, -The Flying Clowns-
Wait n Bleed

Offline Molsman

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Re: JG11 Recruiting
« Reply #1333 on: February 16, 2022, 01:12:02 AM »
Also a staple of the Christmas Cheer Stampf and Hopper aka Hooooopppppeerrrr from one of our squaddies call him. One night Stampf and Hopper Recreated  the Snoopy and Red Barron fight done to the Music from the Royal Guardsmen it was always a blast seeing this recreation
JG11, DerWanderZirkus, -The Flying Clowns-
Wait n Bleed

Offline Dichotomy

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Re: JG11 Recruiting
« Reply #1334 on: February 16, 2022, 05:59:49 AM »
Hey boss looks like I'm about 6 months to a year away from getting back in the game and getting practiced up.  When I get there can I come back? 
JG11 - Dicho37Only The Proud Only The Strong AH Players who've passed on :salute