Author Topic: If you didn't have to wear.....  (Read 1882 times)

Offline moneyguy

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If you didn't have to wear.....
« Reply #45 on: August 21, 2007, 03:57:32 PM »
I wear mine because, when you start to move my truck without it on, the stupid dinger starts dinging. the only way to shut it off is to buckle up.

Offline Traveler

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If you didn't have to wear.....
« Reply #46 on: August 21, 2007, 04:36:43 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
traveler... good for you...  you do realize that most deaths come from head injuries... do you wear a helmet?  No?

How bout a firesuit?  race car drivers wear both.  

You have never seen a head injury or burn victim?  I have... not pretty.  someone as timid as you would probly not even drive again.

Do you let people drive you around?  are you a good driver?

I say that if you let your wife or friend drive you or... you have no driving skills (average driver) then you are being much more of a daredevil than I.

But be a good little boy and don't run with scissors like mommy said... no amount of intrusion into your life is too much if it is for your own good tho right?

And no... I am not an organ donor... seems like a good way to lose your organs to me.


How do know what I’ve seen?  I’ve seen head injury, most head injury in automobile accidents come from the victim’s head striking the windshield or the door post just behind the left ear.  As for burns, like I said, I’ve been on and volunteer EMS squad for over 25 years, prior to that I was a US Army Special Forces Medic in VietNam,  ever hear of Napalm?

Wearing a helmet is not required by law but if it was I wood.  I don’t think that will ever happen.  Fire suite for a regular automobile is not required either, and I think un necessary .  I’ve witnessed the aftermath of about 15 fatal automobile accidents one thing that they all had in common was none of them were wearing seat belts.  

What you call timid I call smart.  I’ve been in two war zones in my life time, I spent 18 months as a combat medic on a A Team in Vietnam and 15 hours doing what I could at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.  

You should consider being an organ donor, it’s a selfless act , and you needn’t worry they don’t take your organs until your done with them.

I really don’t understand the daredevil comment as a driver of emergency vehicles I have had many defensive driving courses over the years and I never said that you were a daredevil, perhaps that how you picture yourself.  I just see you as a fool, but perhaps that’s to harsh, a fool doesn’t know any better, but you do, that just makes you stupid.
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If you didn't have to wear.....
« Reply #47 on: August 21, 2007, 04:36:43 PM »
I should have added in my initial response that I always wear a belt on the expressways and when I'm not in the combat zone.  I believe seatbelts do save lives but the greatest threat to my well being in the areas where I work isn't another driver but the carjacker and opportunistic predator.

Offline Sabre

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If you didn't have to wear.....
« Reply #48 on: August 21, 2007, 04:42:26 PM »
I wear them, but I believe that should be my choice as an adult.  A seat belt saved my life (roll-over 5 and half times in Chevy Blazer); I was not driving, by the way.  However, I know my own limitations as a driver (fair, but not expert), and definitely don't trust everyone else on the road.  So my personal choice is that I wear them whenever they're available.  I also make my kids wear them, even the ones over 18.  That's mainly a liability issue, however.
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Offline Excel1

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If you didn't have to wear.....
« Reply #49 on: August 22, 2007, 06:50:22 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
again... it is not about if it is good for you or bad for you... I simply asked...

Would you if you didn't have to?  would you every single time?

the $150 fine is a strong incentive to buckle up every time, but I if I didnt have too.. no, self ayrton senna impersonations excepted, I probably wouldn't wear it all the time.


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If you didn't have to wear.....
« Reply #50 on: August 22, 2007, 07:29:48 AM »
I believe the fines here are $300.00 per infraction.  while I have been cited on many many occasions I have yet to pay a fine.  instead I pay a lawyer who somehow beats them in court every single time for $75.00 per citation.  is the same thing possible in a NZ?

Offline FiLtH

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If you didn't have to wear.....
« Reply #51 on: August 22, 2007, 07:57:26 AM »
Ya I try to wear my seatbelt. Its not a law in my state unless you are young, but I wear it anyways. Its to protect me against retards on the road. Ever since I was in a 4x4 derby years ago and I had a helmet on and belted in, and my head was still bouncing off the ceiling I learned how light and fragile the human body can be in an accident. When it was over my belt was so tight I had all I could do to unclick it.


Offline lazs2

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If you didn't have to wear.....
« Reply #52 on: August 22, 2007, 08:17:28 AM »
traveller... impressive credentials in the caring for injured thing... I admit it but... does seeing a burn victim make you want to wear a firesuit?  

did the world trade center convince you to stay out of tall buildings?

My point is that you are seeing a very compressed view of accidents.  Most of us are in little or no danger where a seatbelt would be much help in our entire lifetime... add to the fact that wearing em at speed or in the riskier environments cuts that chance even more and you are left with... for most people...  a jesture..

 perhaps not even that good of a one.. better cars and better safety devices have led to more reckless.. no... careless driving.  there are more accidents now than ever.

most of us will sit in the back of a taxi and not think anything of letting some guy who didn't have a license a year ago drive em around.... or let the wife drive while you snooze on the freeway or a two lane highway...  most people can't even stop their car safely from 70mph even with the brakes we have today yet they drive 80-90 mph.    They risk a lot more than me who won't wear a seatbelt in a lincoln town car.

and... if you rent the very same car in limmo form... you won't have to either... you most likely won't wear one.  

Again... thank you for your service but I think it distorts your thinking on this and makes you more aware of danger than is healthy.    We can't fear life.

and.... "fool"?  "stupid"?  quite possibly.   we all, every day do things that are stupid or foolish.  it is pretty sure that private aviation, skydiving, mountain climbing, motorcycles in general... bike riding...all are "stupid" and "foolish".  

All risk is stupid and foolish.    no risk is not living at all.

« Last Edit: August 22, 2007, 08:26:56 AM by lazs2 »


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If you didn't have to wear.....
« Reply #53 on: August 22, 2007, 08:19:19 AM »
Dont wear em.

The only time I put one on is when I am aware of a roadside extortion checkpoint in the area.
Then as soon as I pass it. I take it off.

And its not only because I am a non conformist (which I am)
OR because I am against ANY law put in place designed to protect me from myself (which I am)

Why? they are uncomfortable and I absolutely loathe the feeling of being bound or restricted they give me.

Same reason you never ever see me wearing a tie or decorative chain around my neck.
I just hate the feeling almost to the point of being phobic about it
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Offline lazs2

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If you didn't have to wear.....
« Reply #54 on: August 22, 2007, 08:19:38 AM »
texas mom...  You said that if the government agrees with you so much the better.

That is good.. I will go with that... I give you permission to wear a seatbelt.. I even think it is good to have a law that manufacturers supply them in new cars and...

If the government wants to wear seatbelts....  agreees with you... I give the government permission to wear them too.

Were I draw the line is when they tell me I have to wear em for my own good.


Offline lazs2

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If you didn't have to wear.....
« Reply #55 on: August 22, 2007, 08:24:38 AM »
and... to tidy up..

for whoever said they (seatbelts) were just as comfortable as not wearing em.   that simply has to come from someone who has never taken a long trip without em.

The lapbelts in my hot rods are more comfortable but... still not as good as none.   I move around.   they cut into my neck...

And to the race car driver...  I wear em in races that I have participated in..  they are very uncomfortable even being thrown around in autocross but... I wear em... this is not even the same thing tho... I don't mind the discomfort because racing is not a comfort thing in the first place.. it would be even worse without the seatbelts... the oppossite is true for motoring along.  The car and drive is comfortable.. the seatbelts take away from that.


Offline lazs2

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If you didn't have to wear.....
« Reply #56 on: August 22, 2007, 08:32:05 AM »
dred... thank you... I never thought of it but I can't wear a chain or such around my neck either.  I find the seatbelts.. the 3 point ones constantly restrain me.. every time I try to move they remind me I am trapped or that I can't move if I have to.

Sorta like with helmets ... every time I turn I know I can't do it as well or hear or see and that there is a weight on my head with no nerve endings or senses.

I got out of a seat belt ticket the other day.   The cop asked me why I wasn't wearing one.

I said that when you are my age.... every once in a while you get all sentimental and nostalgic for back when it was a free country.

he stuttered a little... tried not to smile and then said "put your seat belt on and get out of here.  no ticket... no lecture.


Offline Airscrew

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If you didn't have to wear.....
« Reply #57 on: August 22, 2007, 10:17:47 AM »
Laz, I wouldnt excatly call myself a race car driver, 30 minutes or so around a track,.. once... it was fun though and something I want to do more of...

think it comes down to this.  Its probably a generation gap thing so to speak.. we all have different values and experiences....
Laz when you and others of your age group learned to drive.. a lot of cars probably didnt have seatbelts, and those that did only had lap belts.  I recall some cars having seatbelts with lap belts and shoulder belts that were separate.  
I cant remember if the 64 Nova station wagon we had when I was a kid had seatbelts or not and I think my 69 Cutlass only had a lap belt.  I just looked at a 69 351 Ford Fairlane I was thinking about buying and it had a 3 point belt.    
Those of us that started driving in the 70's have probably always been using 3 point seatbelts and we are just used to them.  Not every car I've ever driven had them but I'm just used to them and I dont even notice them.   The early cars I drove the shoulder belt was annoying but since the 80's or so they have been adjustable and not an issue.

I dont wear them because of some law or that I'm afraid of a ticket, I wear them because I always have, its a habit, and I think its right for me to wear.  I could care less if anybody else (except kids) wore their seatbelts.   I dont see were they needed to make a law to make people wear a seatbelt.   Just charge the non-seatbelt wears more for their insurance cause their hospital care is going to cost more, just like they charge us smokers more for insurance.

Now that I think it about 1968 or 69 was probably the beginning of the end for cars, the feds started requiring side marker lights, then padded steering wheels and dashboards.  then came the bigger heavier bumpers, smog controls and then it went downhill from there...

Offline Traveler

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If you didn't have to wear.....
« Reply #58 on: August 22, 2007, 02:57:32 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
traveller... impressive credentials in the caring for injured thing... I admit it but... does seeing a burn victim make you want to wear a firesuit?  

did the world trade center convince you to stay out of tall buildings?

My point is that you are seeing a very compressed view of accidents.  Most of us are in little or no danger where a seatbelt would be much help in our entire lifetime... add to the fact that wearing em at speed or in the riskier environments cuts that chance even more and you are left with... for most people...  a jesture..

 perhaps not even that good of a one.. better cars and better safety devices have led to more reckless.. no... careless driving.  there are more accidents now than ever.

most of us will sit in the back of a taxi and not think anything of letting some guy who didn't have a license a year ago drive em around.... or let the wife drive while you snooze on the freeway or a two lane highway...  most people can't even stop their car safely from 70mph even with the brakes we have today yet they drive 80-90 mph.    They risk a lot more than me who won't wear a seatbelt in a lincoln town car.

and... if you rent the very same car in limmo form... you won't have to either... you most likely won't wear one.  

Again... thank you for your service but I think it distorts your thinking on this and makes you more aware of danger than is healthy.    We can't fear life.

and.... "fool"?  "stupid"?  quite possibly.   we all, every day do things that are stupid or foolish.  it is pretty sure that private aviation, skydiving, mountain climbing, motorcycles in general... bike riding...all are "stupid" and "foolish".  

All risk is stupid and foolish.    no risk is not living at all.


If you are going to use my name, spell it correctly please.  Traveler, one L.  

You state the exact reason why one should properly wear a seatbelt. “better cars and better safety devices have led to more reckless.. no... careless driving.  there are more accidents now than ever.”

That statement is so true and because it is so true it renders your first statement invalid “Most of us are in little or no danger where a seatbelt would be much help in our entire lifetime... add to the fact that wearing em at speed or in the riskier environments cuts that chance even more and you are left with... for most people...  a jesture..”

 There are more accidents because there are more registered vehicles on our roadways. The chance that someone will cause an accident that involves you is greater today then the day you got your license.  

I’d wear a fire suite if I was driving a Ford Pinto.  Wouldn’t you if something like 40 percent of them burst into flame after a minor fender bender.  That’s why they don’t make them anyone.

Not really sure I understand your point to most of your other ramblings bottom line is, I wear a seat belt , even in a Cab or town car.  It’s not like you have a choice in my state.  It’s a rolling violation,  like it or not, it’s the law.

You can make any excuses you like, bottom line is worn properly the seat belt works.   Worn improperly or not at all it can be very dangerous.  Your thoughts on my thinking being distorted is no more valid then your reasoning  not to wear seat belts because the “Government” requires you to wear them.  

Nothing anyone says will ever get you to change your thinking, I can see that.  That why I implore you to fill out that donor card.  Transplant hospitals need people like you. Of course they won’t be able to harvest much, not if you are only wearing the lap belt, if you pull any G’s kiss the liver and heart good bye.  Kidney get pretty crushed from the belt it’s self.  But they could  harvest your skin , you seemed overly interested in fire, yes, I’ve seen full thickness burns and 4th degree burns, yes there are 4th degree burns, that’s when the bones are burnt black. , that could harvest your eyes too.
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Offline Airscrew

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If you didn't have to wear.....
« Reply #59 on: August 22, 2007, 03:09:37 PM »
Originally posted by Traveler
 That why I implore you to fill out that donor card.  Transplant hospitals need people like you.  

I think I met Laz at one of the cons back about 2002, plus I've read some of his stories,  I dont think he has any organs anybody could use,  sounds like he's pretty much used his all up