Did alot of reading from the b29.org from the 500th BG Daily Journal and found this:
On the night of 1-2 August the 73rd Bomb Wing sent 184 B-29's in a maximum-effort incendiary attack againstthe city of Toyama on the west coast of Honshu. The city had been warned by leaflets dropped the day beforethat it was on the list of possible targets. The 500th Bomb Group put up 42 aircraft for this mission. Theparticipating planes and crews were as follows:Z-2, "20th Century Sweetheart", Alexander Z-3, "Ann Dee", H. JacksonZ-4, "Black Magic", Walker Z-5, "There'll Always Be A Christmas", PowersZ-6, "Booze Hound", FoxZ-7, McNamer Z-8, "Duke of Albuquerque", MitchellZ-9, "Nina Ross", CovingtonZ-11, "Lucky Eleven", HallZ-12, Taylor Z-14, RogersZ-15, "Fire Bug", PearsonZ-16, "Je Reviens", BowersZ-19, "Sharon Sue", PostZ-21, "Barbara Ann", PierceZ-22, "Silver Thunder", RobertsonZ-23, "Ramblin Roscoe II", BrannockZ-24, "Pride of the Yankees", Sawyer Z-26, RothrockZ-27, "The Cannuck", QueenZ-28, "Hog Wild", Sasser Z-29, "Gravel Gertie", Mock (an 881st crew flying an 882nd plane)Z-33, "Slick Dick", HaasZ-34, "Frisco Nannie", GerrityZ-35, "Pacific Queen", BrunsZ-36, "Li'l Abner", AldermanZ-37, "Belle Ruth", CollinsZ-39, CoffmanZ-41, "My Pride and Joye", Van TrigtZ-43, "Ben's Raiders", SmithZ-46, HinderksZ-47, DearbornZ-48, HoffmanZ-49, "Fourth Marine Division", BlackZ-50, "Fancy Detail", F. ParsonsZ-51, "Tail Wind", WhittenZ-52, "20th Century Sweetheart", SichelZ-53, "The Ancient Mariner", ConnellZ-55, "Janice E.", RyanZ-56, BishopZ-57, Miller Z-58, "Marylyn Gay", Adamson
On the night of 5-6 August the 73rd and 314th Bomb Wings struck the city of Nishinomiya, located on Honshubetween Osaka and Kobe, in another incendiary attack. The 500th Bomb Group put up 35 aircraft for this mission. As the lead Group on this raid, the 500th supplied the "wind run" aircraft, meaning a plane sent ahead todetermine and radio back wind speed and direction over the target. Assigned to this duty was Z-16, "JeReviens", McNamer crew, which also carried a full load of bombs to drop on the target after they completed their initial mission.The 500th was also tasked with supplying two radar jamming aircraft. These planes, carrying slightly reduced bomb loads, were to precede the formation by 30 minutes, bomb the target, then climb to about 17,000 feet and circle the target area for an hour and a half operating their radar jamming equipment. Two veteran planes andcrews were selected for this duty -- Z-33, "Slick Dick", Haas crew, and Z-53, "The Ancient Mariner", Connellcrew.Of the remaining 32 planes, 12 were to act as pathfinders, taking off first and marking the target area. Thepathfinder planes and crews were as follows:Z-2, "20th Century Limited", Alexander Z-10, "Punchin' Judy", Mock Z-15, "Fire Bug", Pearson Z-19, "Sharon Sue", Post Z-23, "Ramblin Roscoe II", Rothrock Z-28, "Hog Wild", Sasser Z-39, Coffman Z-32, "Fever from the South", Gillert Z-42, "Supine Sue", Bishop Z-46, McDowell Z-47, Dearborn Z-58, "Marylyn Gay", Adamson