Originally posted by lazs2
so then...you are an agnostic indy?
No, because I don't believe in any type of supreme being or deity. I'm pretty skeptical. I haven't seen anything that said "God exists because.." that isn't readily debunked. Especially one that's put forward by any of human's works (bible, koran, etc). It's shennanigans.
I don't discount the possibility, but I'll continue to know that there is not until there's some sort empirical evidence. Just because something is possible, doesn't make it reality. It's not saying "There is no God." It's saying, "There is no empirical proof of a God." The second statement is obviously correct, and the first one simply an assumption (making it the religion you're so found of). So in the end, I'm still an Athiest. Lacking solid evidence, there is no god.
Lets use your feeling as an example... you felt God's touch... but how do you know it wasn't something biological like a seratonin release? I can't measure and test "God's touch". I can measure lots of things that would relate to a change in your body you would interpret as a "feeling". If somebody comes up with solid evidence through empirical study, it will eventually cause a paradigm shift in understanding (has to fight through social controls first, but so did evolution), and Science will accept a diety. Until somebody can come up with those tests, it falls back on feelings & faith, which are junkscience. That's the major fundamental difference between religion and science. Science is at best, a tool to guide to objective understanding and development of provisional truths. Religion claims itself as truth.