Author Topic: Why we need a black president  (Read 4538 times)

Offline uberhun

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« Reply #180 on: September 21, 2007, 03:13:06 PM »
Originally posted by LEADPIG
Good stuff except for this part, ever care to delve deeper into why those reasons exist. And no it's not all because one race  blames everyone. Anyone care to explain how it got that way in the first place before all these blaming retards started.

America still isn't equal that's why all those programs exist.  You know why it's harder to find a black doctor, airline pilot, lawyer? The previous generations were suffering from the effects of what happened and before.

My Grandfather was born into one of the most races periods in history, the 1900's into the 1960's. It just started to change then. Blacks couldn't vote as late as i believe 1955. You can imagine if you can't vote you'd be pretty poor and have no representation. His father was the son of a freed slave, My mother was born into segregation, black folks couldn't really hold jobs above menial labor, even if they tried alot weren't allowed to because of America's racist ways. To find a black with a good job on average was pretty unheard of till the 1970's. Things were just from beginning to change from slavery by then. So you have 1865, the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation to about 1965 to 1970 when things really started to change for the better. Before then rampant poverty existed not always but mostly to the racist ways of America.

Lyndon Johnson really started equalizing the law books so that blacks were legally seen as equals in 1965. So you have one domino tips another domino tips another. So the blacks before were climbing out of the race inspired poverty of his father, and his father. See where this is going the folks living today are still effected by all that. It would go faster if they stopped blaming everybody and got up now though.

1970 wasn't that long ago... Another thing alot of you miseducated folks seem to think the Emancipation Proclamation was a magic wand that wiped it all out and equalized everything at once.... wrong. It took about 100 years after that for America to get her slow arnold in gear and get movin after that. And even then she had to be downright prodded. Then you have the lingering social and economic impact of all that and the lady justice is still trying to right her scales after that catyclism.

Most kids today (old ones never got it) ain't educated about all this and i see it now.


I understand that the majority of black ancestory in this country was not brought here by their own free will. I understand that the absolute and total ignorance of man through the ages has usurped and enslaved one race or culture through time immortal. But to subject a race of people (stay with me here now lead) to unfair scruitiny by installing lopsided govt. programs to favor one race at the expense of the whole population does not make sense either. The constitution was written for all of us in this country and should be the standard that the whole country lives by. To punish the great great grandchildren of our forefathers for their ignorance is unacceptable. Should one segment of the country pay repreations to another segment of the country for something that has nothing to do with either one? And create even more resentment. You see the answer is not what are you going to do for me (That was done already) It is what are you going to do for yourself?

Offline VonMessa

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« Reply #181 on: September 21, 2007, 03:38:01 PM »
Originally posted by LEADPIG
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     Actually, Asians could be more intellegent, due to the fact of their geographical location and  dietary habits.  Most Asian cultures have a lot of fish in their diet because a lot of Asian countries are either bordered by or near the ocean.

     DHA which is an Omega3 fatty acid is not produced internally by many mammals, with the exception of lactating females.  Colostrum ( first milk after pregnancy ) is rich in it.  On the other hand, most fish (cod especially) are loaded with it.  The fish get it mostly from kelp.  DHA is the most major amino building block for brain cells.  DHA is very important, especially in the developmental years of children.

     Here in America, we tend to have a diet rich in bovine meat, and cows milk or formula (for the infants which didn't have DHA added until recent years).  In Asian countries, breast feeding is more popular, and the diet is more seafood rich.  Cow milk and bovine flesh contain BGH(bovine growth hormone).  I'm not referring to the rBGH (recombinant BGH) where we genetically snip parts of the dna and RECOMbine with BGH.  This hormone is also a fatty acid that promotes physical growth not brain  growth.      So.......

     Is this why, Asians tend to be slimmer and smarter, and Americans are becoming fatter and dumber.  Think on that.  How often did your mom/dad feed you milk.(from a cow)

     Also as far as the races go there are, (besides the obvious skin and feature differences) some very interesting genetic differences as well.  I'll name two and I will stop babeling.    Some black folks suffer sickle cell anemia.  No White folks ever have it (if purely european/caucasion, etc)  Only Jewish folks develop Tay Sachs disease.   These are genetically coded defenses that are race specific.  You may not know, but native Africans that carry this "sickle cell" and live in Africa  (drum roll please......)  ARE IMMUNE TO MALARIA (tada).    When not in a country with malaria it becomes a malady.  As far as the Tay Sachs goes, well, I'll let you do some homework.  But, I'll bet it has something to do with the tradition of their race/culture of being a nomadic desert people.

     Also, just another tidbit.  During the Black Plague in Europe, most of the Jewish population was untouched.  Why?  Well their tradition of cleaning out all leavening (anything having to do with bread to simplify it) down to the last crumb, for Passover, lent itself to less food for the rats and vermin to find in their homes.  Less rats = less plague.   Hmmmmmm.

« Last Edit: September 24, 2007, 09:13:38 AM by MP3 »
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« Reply #182 on: September 21, 2007, 11:24:08 PM »
Von Messa one the most interesting and thought provoking reads i've had in these forums. You seem to know your stuff. I've always wondered if dietary, and infant raising and breeding habits due to cultural traditions could have an effect. I'll say this, i've had some Asian friends, and there parents put a heavy importance on education. I believe this belief in their culture is a large reason Asian children score so high. Black kids focus more on sports i can remember this dumb thing in black society when i was a kid that you had to be an athlete to be cool. I was just the opposite and concentrated on my schoolwork and read voraciously when i was a kid, even won a Navy Rotc academic scholarship. But i was a nerd though, a loser if you will. lol


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« Reply #183 on: September 21, 2007, 11:52:05 PM »
Originally posted by uberhun

I understand that the majority of black ancestory in this country was not brought here by their own free will. I understand that the absolute and total ignorance of man through the ages has usurped and enslaved one race or culture through time immortal. But to subject a race of people (stay with me here now lead) to unfair scruitiny by installing lopsided govt. programs to favor one race at the expense of the whole population does not make sense either. The constitution was written for all of us in this country and should be the standard that the whole country lives by. To punish the great great grandchildren of our forefathers for their ignorance is unacceptable. Should one segment of the country pay repreations to another segment of the country for something that has nothing to do with either one? And create even more resentment. You see the answer is not what are you going to do for me (That was done already) It is what are you going to do for yourself?

I so much believe in your statement and i believe you are quite right. I think that America still has not quite recovered totally especially in economic growth and poverty, inflicted on people from the previous generations of racism and slavery. I believe those effects are still lingering today giving a slight disadvantage. I think that's a good reason you saw so many poor black folks after Hurricane Katrina, along with those peoples own attitudes caused by the poverty America's trickled down racism effects help put them in. I believe it's still equalizing. Now only if they'd pick up a book and study, but it's hard to do that when all you know is negative.

For instance i became a pilot when i was 19 years old, i soloed when i was seventeen. Now alot of the kids i went to school with in the projects were so poor they couldn't think of doing anything like that. They weren't exposed to such things. America's economic effects have helped them be in that situation, so they have a little bit farther to climb. I was lucky

So those programs equalize it, those programs are more about cancelling out an economic advantage that America itself imposed on some of it's people, than on taking away anyone's rights. I think a good indicator would be to flood New Orleans again in 20 years and when you see just as many white people along with everyone else stranded then i'd say it's done.

I've often wondered should there be an affirmative action for poor white and mexican people, along with others. But i think it's more about cancelling out America's racist past and the lingering economics effects caused by generations than anything.


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« Reply #184 on: September 22, 2007, 12:01:35 AM »
Oh..also i think homosexuals are getting discriminated against and it's not fair. It never ceases to amaze me how people care so much what others do with their private parts. I feel like if your not having a homosexual relationship, than what's your problem? America, give gay people their rights and stop treating them like second class citizens. Let them get married and be recognized legally as people. Whatever the religions want to do is their business, but American law and religion have nothing to do with each other. Boy you sure have to kick America in her arnold to get her to live up to her credo. Even the Soviet Union was letting women be astronauts in the 1960's, way before we were. Jeez.

Offline john9001

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« Reply #185 on: September 22, 2007, 08:03:09 AM »
gays can get married in this country, a gay man can marry a gay woman.

Offline Jackal1

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« Reply #186 on: September 22, 2007, 08:24:09 AM »
Originally posted by LEADPIG
Oh..also i think homosexuals are getting discriminated against and it's not fair. It never ceases to amaze me how people care so much what others do with their private parts. I feel like if your not having a homosexual relationship, than what's your problem? America, give gay people their rights and stop treating them like second class citizens. Let them get married and be recognized legally as people. Whatever the religions want to do is their business, but American law and religion have nothing to do with each other. Boy you sure have to kick America in her arnold to get her to live up to her credo. Even the Soviet Union was letting women be astronauts in the 1960's, way before we were. Jeez.

Stick a fork in him. He`s done.

Nice attempt, but too obvious. I give it a 3.
Democracy is two wolves deciding on what to eat. Freedom is a well armed sheep protesting the vote.

Offline texasmom

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« Reply #187 on: September 22, 2007, 08:48:02 AM »
Originally posted by LEADPIG
Oh..also i think homosexuals are getting discriminated against and it's not fair. It never ceases to amaze me how people care so much what others do with their private parts. I feel like if your not having a homosexual relationship, than what's your problem? America, give gay people their rights and stop treating them like second class citizens. Let them get married and be recognized legally as people. Whatever the religions want to do is their business, but American law and religion have nothing to do with each other. Boy you sure have to kick America in her arnold to get her to live up to her credo. Even the Soviet Union was letting women be astronauts in the 1960's, way before we were. Jeez.

I stayed out of the thread because I already said what I had to say & moved on. Wasn't gonna keep repeating the same race/gender stuff over & over while others argued their own point over & over.  However, if queers are now in the post ~ I'll start anew.

I don't want to hear any "I got my rights" bullsheet from the queers.  Queers have a right to understand that you are not lawfully able to marry another queer.  Then you have the right to get the hell over it & move on.

Then shut the hell up... we don't want to hear the same ole line from the fudge packers over & over about how "we just don't understand" their needs.  "*sniffle* but... but... but..." Screw their perverted sick needs (oh wait, they do that already).  So what about pedophiles?  Are we "just supposed to understand" the needs of those sickos?

Listen, any man who is attracted to a man instead of a woman has something so sick deep from within him that he definitely doesn't belong in a position of authority in a governing body.  Actually extend his sick & twisted mind from governing himself into governing entire groups of people?  HORRIBLE IDEA

Comparing the soviet advancement of women to the damn queers (in any country or society) is just the most idiotic thing I've heard.  Leadpig, I've seen you actually think in some of your posts before, deserving of much credit.  I didn't expect to see the whining crybaby bullsheet about queers from you at all.

*edit*  oh, I see the problem.... see the line where you started it with "I feel..."  try thinking instead of feeling when you're making decisions of any importance.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2007, 08:55:42 AM by texasmom »
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Offline uberhun

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« Reply #188 on: September 22, 2007, 08:56:01 AM »
Originally posted by LEADPIG
Oh..also i think homosexuals are getting discriminated against and it's not fair. It never ceases to amaze me how people care so much what others do with their private parts. I feel like if your not having a homosexual relationship, than what's your problem? America, give gay people their rights and stop treating them like second class citizens. Let them get married and be recognized legally as people. Whatever the religions want to do is their business, but American law and religion have nothing to do with each other. Boy you sure have to kick America in her arnold to get her to live up to her credo. Even the Soviet Union was letting women be astronauts in the 1960's, way before we were. Jeez.

Nobody should be discrimanted against. End of story! The Soviet Union??
Please Lead:rolleyes: Crush and stomp the many into dust for the select few of the politburo to thrive in a hypocrisy of Marxism.

Offline uberhun

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« Reply #189 on: September 22, 2007, 09:00:45 AM »
Originally posted by texasmom
I stayed out of the thread because I already said what I had to say & moved on. Wasn't gonna keep repeating the same race/gender stuff over & over while others argued their own point over & over.  However, if queers are now in the post ~ I'll start anew.

I don't want to hear any "I got my rights" bullsheet from the queers.  Queers have a right to understand that you are not lawfully able to marry another queer.  Then you have the right to get the hell over it & move on.

Then shut the hell up... we don't want to hear the same ole line from the fudge packers over & over about how "we just don't understand" their needs.  "*sniffle* but... but... but..." Screw their perverted sick needs (oh wait, they do that already).  So what about pedophiles?  Are we "just supposed to understand" the needs of those sickos?

Listen, any man who is attracted to a man instead of a woman has something so sick deep from within him that he definitely doesn't belong in a position of authority in a governing body.  Actually extend his sick & twisted mind from governing himself into governing entire groups of people?  HORRIBLE IDEA

Comparing the soviet advancement of women to the damn queers (in any country or society) is just the most idiotic thing I've heard.  Leadpig, I've seen you actually think in some of your posts before, deserving of much credit.  I didn't expect to see the whining crybaby bullsheet about queers from you at all.

*edit*  oh, I see the problem.... see the line where you started it with "I feel..."  try thinking instead of feeling when you're making decisions of any importance.

Wow Texas Mom, you really have some heartfelt feelings about Homosexuals:O  But comparing Homosexuals and Criminals (pedophiles) is wrong. Homosexuals deserve to be treated as equals just like everyone else. Once you start discriminating against one, it is really easy to start descriminating against others. Nazi Germany can tell you all about that.

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« Reply #190 on: September 22, 2007, 09:06:43 AM »
Originally posted by uberhun
Wow Texas Mom, you really have some heartfelt feelings about Homosexuals:O  But comparing Homosexuals and Criminals (pedophiles) is wrong. Homosexuals deserve to be treated as equals just like everyone else. Once you start discriminating against one, it is really easy to start descriminating against others. Nazi Germany can tell you all about that.

Here's the reason pedophiles are criminals:

Society has decided that the acted upon desire to have sex with children is unacceptable... hence: pedophiles go to prison.
The acted upon desire a man has to have sex with another man has simply not been determined to be a criminal act.  So your "criminal" arguement does wash.

Queers can completely be treated as equals... with the understanding that until one of them becomes a woman... they don't get to marry.  You can't cry both ways.  Do you want it to be equal?  Or do you want to bend out of the way (outside of marriage b/ween man&woman)?  It's either one or the other... but don't use both sides of the same arguement to sway it in your own direction.  Make a decision there.

And hell no, it's nothin like the Nazis.  I'm not saying they need to be eliminated (they do a fine job of that themselves with AIDS... which I wouldn't wish upon them or anyone).  However, I'm saying ~ you wanna be queer ~ fine.  Be queer and don't expect to be treated equal ~ BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT.  YOU ARE NOT MAN AND WIFE.  Don't expect to be afforded the same luxuries that MAN AND WIFE are afforded... and don't whine about it.

*edit*  p.s. those aren't "heartfelt feelings" there uber... it's pure & simple logic
« Last Edit: September 22, 2007, 09:13:43 AM by texasmom »
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« Reply #191 on: September 22, 2007, 09:16:02 AM »
Nuke Islam

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« Reply #192 on: September 22, 2007, 09:18:29 AM »
Originally posted by Neubob
Nuke Islam
Nuke a religion?
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« Reply #193 on: September 22, 2007, 09:19:05 AM »
Originally posted by texasmom
Here's the reason pedophiles are criminals:

Society has decided that the acted upon desire to have sex with children is acceptable... hence: pedophiles go to prison.
The acted upon desire a man has to have sex with another man has simply not been determined to be a criminal act.  So your "criminal" arguement does wash.

Queers can completely be treated as equals... with the understanding that until one of them becomes a woman... they don't get to marry.  You can't cry both ways.  Do you want it to be equal?  Or do you want to bend out of the way (outside of marriage b/ween man&woman)?  It's either one or the other... but don't use both sides of the same arguement to sway it in your own direction.  Make a decision there.

And hell no, it's nothin like the Nazis.  I'm not saying they need to be eliminated (they do a fine job of that themselves with AIDS... which I wouldn't wish upon them or anyone).  However, I'm saying ~ you wanna be queer ~ fine.  Be queer and don't expect to be treated equal ~ BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT.  YOU ARE NOT MAN AND WIFE.  Don't expect to be afforded the same luxuries that MAN AND WIFE are afforded... and don't whine about it.

*edit*  p.s. those aren't "heartfelt feelings" there uber... it's pure & simple logic

I appologize for the heartfelt comment !
#1 Pedophiles are the most vile of criminals of the first degree!
(Being a father of 2 daughters I do have a bias conviction in respects to that social abortion)
#2 Homosexual people need to be afforded the same rights as any individual citizen in this country. If two Homosexuals want to be a couple joined legally through a civil ceramony. So be it. They should also be afforded the same rights and privalleges as a (Married ) couple under that civil union. The sensitivity with the Married lable, I think is what is getting everybody in a tizzy. Fine if some Rabbi, Priest or Iman has a problem with it. I respect that. But do not discriminate because they do not tow the line you identify with.

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« Reply #194 on: September 22, 2007, 09:23:53 AM »
Originally posted by uberhun
I appologize for the heartfelt comment !
#1 Pedophiles are the most vile of criminals of the first degree!
(Being a father of 2 daughters I do have a bias conviction in respects to that social abortion)
#2 Homosexual people need to be afforded the same rights as any individual citizen in this country. If two Homosexuals want to be a couple joined legally through a civil ceramony. So be it. They should also be afforded the same rights and privalleges as a (Married ) couple under that civil union. The sensitivity with the Married lable, I think is what is getting everybody in a tizzy. Fine if some Rabbi, Priest or Iman has a problem with it. I respect that. But do not discriminate because they do not tow the line you identify with.

I'm sorry "homo's should be" arguement just isn't good enough.  Man & Wife means MAN AND WIFE ~ not MAN AND... ANOTHER MAN.  If they want the rights afforded to a married couple, they need to start dipping their wicks on the other side of the candleshop.

Period.  It's not a "label" that gets me in a tizzy.  It's the fact that whining sniveling queers think that "but... but... but... I want the same thing as they have" (pointing their queer little fingers over to the side of the room as the straight couples).  

Get over it.  You don't get the privileges afforded to a married couple until you are MAN AND WIFE.

*edit* I'm not going to respond to the religious remarks you posted.  Once you start mixing the two the entire discussion takes a nosedive.

*edit again*  I toe this line:  Until you're man & wife, shut up.

And I don't think twice about saying it loudly or often.  And I don't care if it's like, not liked, despised, or ridiculed.  Doesn't change the fact that until they're man & wife... they ain't getting married.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2007, 09:27:28 AM by texasmom »
<S> Easy8
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