Author Topic: Aggravated Assault/ Some legal advice wanted/ I'M fine, but you should see the HIM!  (Read 12662 times)

Offline moot

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Originally posted by SteveBailey
:cry :cry    :rofl

Dude, you got mugged... thumped a couple of times and lost your ipod and backpack.  That's a bummer and I feel for ya.  The rest of your story is well.... fantasy. Your insistance in sticking to the story  is, among other things, pathetic and a little bit insulting.  It also quickly wipes out any sympathy you'd get for getting bopped in the eye.
It's already been established that you've lied so coming onto these boards and playing the wounded poster just won't work for you.

I thought you guys (Steve esp.) were being pretty ruthless with the kid, but that's really spot on.
Hello ant
running very fast
I squish you

Offline eskimo2

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This thread needs haikus (I’ll start):

Blows at the bus stop
Connects only bone, NO pain
Cadet lets them go

Offline Donzo

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This just keeps getting better!

 I haven't laughed this hard since the Waffle - JB88 thread.


Offline eskimo2

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This is fun:
I used MS Word’s “Replace All” feature to replace all instances of “my” and “I” with “My Precious”.
Be sure to read this in this guy’s voice:

Originally posted by Serenity
Alright, heres the background.

Last night, My Precious was going to spend the night at My Precious girlfriends house, and go to school with her in the morning. Well, My Precious had to wait until her parents got home, (At 10:30) and My Precious couldnt get a ride. So My Precious had to take the bus. So, My Precious grab My Precious school bag for the next day and head down to the bus stop. At around 10:32(pm), My Precious see these two big hawaiian guys walking towards me. My Precious been in Hawaii long enough to know My Precious was about to get mugged. So, as is My Precious standard practice, My Precious unzip the sleeve pocket of My Precious leather jacket, remove the 5-inch thumb-assist knife My Precious keep there, and move it to My Precious side pocket for easy accesability. They get down there, and theyre acting friendly, but like My Precious said, My Precious know better. So with one hand on a knife and the other on My Precious wallet My Precious returned their small talk. Then, at around 10:34pm, it happened. He said "Nice to meet you", and shook My Precious hand. My Precious returned the hand shake, taking My Precious hand off of My Precious knife for a crucial second. As soon as our hands parted, he threw the first blow, connecting clearly with the right side of My Precious face. Surprised me, as My Precious wasnt expecting it QUITE then, but My Precious wasn't hurt. In under a second My Precious had My Precious knife out, extended, and within centimeters of his throaght. My Precious was ready to deliver a lethal blow, and would enjoy it SO much. But then My Precious concience kicked in. "You want to get into the Air Force Academy! This MIGHT be self defence, but if it is considered excessive force, you will NEVER get in!" So, My Precious retracted the knife, and attempted a retreat from the fight, knowing that while My Precious would have NO problems leaving them both unconcious, My Precious might just get annoyed enough to USE the knife. With the knife safely back in My Precious pocket My Precious made My Precious retreat. As My Precious attempted to, he put another blow to My Precious face. Again, no pain. This guy was pretty stupid, he didnt realise that punching a guy in the cheeck would cause no pain, as it connects only with bone. My Precious actually laughed in his face at this point, and again made a retreat. They thought to themselves "We've got a 15 year old, 140lb white kid here, late at night. Don't let him go, he should be EASY to take down". They were wrong. My Precious looked over My Precious left shoulder just in time to take a blow to the left cheeck, which knocked me forward over the railing in front of me. My Precious realised My Precious was now in a favorable position. With ever bit of strength My Precious could muster, My Precious launched My Precious right foot back and connected solidly with his chest. Id swear My Precious felt a rib crack, and he fell backwards over the bus stop bench and didnt get up. The second guy was just now joining the fight, and once more, My Precious had My Precious knife out, ready to strike. A quick slash to his throaght, and plunge it into his back... he'll be no concern and it will be so much fun! But once more, My Precious concience kicked in. "Even if IT self-defense, you will still have killed two people" (If My Precious had stabbed them, they WOULD die. Without question.) "And the Air Force Academy will STILL see that!" So, once more, My Precious begrudgingly closed My Precious blade and returned it to My Precious pocket. My Precious hopped over the afformentioned railing, and ran through a busy highway offramp to put some distance between me and them, just enough to call the police. My Precious decided to trust the police to get there in time to apprehend the bast@rds. It didnt happen. The guy My Precious kicked got up, and stumbled away, followed by his friend. On the way, they stopped to pickup My Precious school bag, and My Precious i-Pod, which My Precious lost in the scuffle. My Precious started to follow them, but realised if it came to blows again, it could be said My Precious was following them with the intent to attack. So, My Precious could only sit and watch as they escaped with My Precious things.

In the end, the police have YET to find them, even though My Precious gave a perfect description, and even one guys first name! They got away with My Precious homework, (I'm serious!) and the Algebra II book My Precious needed to study for a test today, as well as My Precious i-Pod. Im fairly certain that guy cracked a rib, and My Precious got out with a stiff neck, a busted blood vessle right next to My Precious right eye, and a cut lip, but surprisingly absolutely NO pain.

So the question is: My Precious KNOW you are going to tell me My Precious did the right thing by simply exiting the area. But, would the airforce academy have looked down on me for killing two guys in self defense? If My Precious HAD pursued them to see where they went, could My Precious be brought up on aggravated assault, or some other charge if it came to blows again? Thanks.

Offline Gryphons

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Serenety, don't leave if you truly love the game.  All we're trying to say is that you have obviosly exagerated during your story, your 15 no big deal.  We've all done it; after all I once caught a fish this big.  I'm sure we all feel bad that you lost your possesions; but if you be the bigger man and admit you exagerated you will find that our respect for you will increase.

Classic Army G36C, KWA Glock 17, Well M4, UTG M24
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Offline Suave

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Originally posted by eskimo2

Did you lose your fake ID too?

Ever met a he/she named toejam?

Offline Carrel

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Wow...some of you guys really spent alot of time on this...amazing. It's the weekend...don't you have honey-do lists or something?

Still, tho, the best part of this thread is AWMac calling Serenity (or anyone, for that matter) a liar. That made me laugh more than any other comment posted, and there were some funny ones. ;)

Offline Sketch

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Originally posted by SlapShot
That story has so many embelished holes in it, you could use it as a colender to drain a pot of cooked pasta.

Any U.S. Military college will probably require one to go thru a psyhcological exam ... hopefully by the time you reach the age to enter the Air Force Academy ... you will have matured and stopped making up stories like this one.

Also gonna need a nomination from someone higher up, I.E. state senator or governor to get in... Not sure 100% though.  
And I don't think the AF will accept you with a felony charge... but there is always the Army.  
As far as the story... oh well, he's happy in his world and I will leave him at that.  
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~Oderint Dum Metuant~

Offline Chanter

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Originally posted by hitech
Still have a few months to go before we even are on the same ladder to the window of the asylum as Voss.

Serenity now...

Insanity later
1841 Fleet Air Arm

Offline Meatwad

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See Rule 19- Do not place sausage on pizza.
I am No-Sausage-On-Pizza-Wad.
Das Funkillah - I kill hangers, therefore I am a funkiller. Coming to a vulchfest near you.
You cant tie a loop around 400000 lbs of locomotive using a 2 foot rope - Drediock on fat women

Offline Slash27

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Originally posted by Suave
Ever met a he/she named toejam?

Mi or Yu?

Offline Hornet33

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Man I fianlly got around to reading ALL of this.

OMG!!!!!!!! You just have to kinda love dumb kids these days don't ya??? If for nothing else the entertainment value.

2 blows to the check and it didn't even phase him. LOL yeah right.

I've been studying Muay Thai for 3 years now. I'm 35 years old 6ft tall and 230lbs. I took a shot to the jaw last year in class with gloves on and it dropped me to the mat. The guy I was sparring with pulled the punch too when he realized at the last possible moment I wasn't going to be able to block it. Rattled my world. I don't even remember hitting the mat. I do remember my instructor standing over me with the rest of the class asking if I was alright when I regained my senses. Woke up the next morning with a nice black eye and my jaw hurt like hell for 2-3 days.

That's reality and that was with gloves on. I don't care who you take a shot to the face it's going to hurt.

Just admit you got you got punked, they stole your stuff. It was 2 on 1 and they were bigger than you. It's nothing to be ashamed of as long as you learned something from the experiance.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2007, 02:01:22 AM by Hornet33 »
AHII Con 2006, HiTech, "This game is all about pissing off the other guy!!"

Offline Speed55

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Originally posted by AWMac
Draw me 2 Pineapples kickin a Crackers arse!


Ohhh my sides... Stop, please stop...yer killin me.



"The lord loves a hangin', that's why he gave us necks." - Ren & Stimpy

Ingame- Ozone

Offline indy007

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Originally posted by Hornet33
That's reality and that was with gloves on. I don't care who you take a shot to the face it's going to hurt.

:aok :aok :aok

My technique of headbutting their fist has thus far... not worked out.

Offline Donzo

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Originally posted by Speed55
