Originally posted by Chairboy
Boroda: The Market is driven by demand. Right now, there's a demand that can be met by plundering. When that resource is depleted, the demand will still exist, and the people smart enough to figure out a way to leverage Russia's massive resource potential will respond, prosper, and fill the need.
Demand is driven by greed:
http://www.lovearth.net/gmdeliberatelydestroyed.htmYour happy silly "invisible hand of market" things work when you speak about two beer booths or pizzerias (sorry).
It's impossible to develop new oil fields in Siberia without investments on global scale. Like 5-10 Russian yearly budgets. And you'll get first profit only decades later, when this fields will be almost exhausted. So it goes.
Originally posted by Chairboy
The difference between us, Boroda, is that you operate from a perspective that assumes that individuals need to be controlled and cannot be trusted. I operate from the perspective that smart people can do great things, and the best environment for them to do that is one where their skills are absolutely necessary and cannot be ignored.
Individuals not "controlled" could become ashes in nazi death-camps.
Look, we talk from different positions. You are from a happy warm country that didn't see a war for 150 years. I am from a country that got completely destroyed twice in last 90 years, and has 65% of territory in permafrost zone. Investments in agriculture per production unit here are 3-5 times higher here then in the US. Same thing about industry, this time our distances pay their role.
There is no "universal" decision to any problem.