Thanks all, for your help. . I knew things were tough for 42, when his dad passed away. Damn, I hate to hear things are that way for him. He always tried to help me get better, even when I got *****y. He closed the email that I had the address to, so I had no way to leave a message. I dropped my JB game I.D. awhile back, but kept it here in the forum so I could contact squaddies (the few who may remember me.) I did bump into a few oldschool JB's at the last convention, it was cool to chat with them. That's part of the reason It's a bummer not hearing from JB's. Good people, miss shooting the breeze with them. I'll keep the hq page going, in case things turn around. (Needs work anyway) Glad to hear from you guys, and thanks for the help, and good hunting to you all. <<>> JB39