Originally posted by B@tfinkV
Lets hurry the hell up and burn the rest of this multi-million year old fuel now enjoying every ozone tearing second of it, and when it's done a new and more fragrant world might emerge.
Arlo this was the bit i should have highlighted for you
yeah holden, on certain subjects i think the power to act remains with the few not the many. recycling can be done by everyone and thier grandma, changing the basis of hundreds of years worth of lifestyle sculpting and the control of the prols is down to the people who govern our nations. For instance a move to outlaw all fossil burning vehicals cannot be made law by jonny no-name.
so, no use moaning about using all the oil, get on with it, then we will be forced into the changes that no one alive today is prepared to make.
if you do use a 'cleaner' form of energy then thanks and more power to you, but really it's like vulching.
you can feel good about hanging back while the others rape the field but within 10 mins the enemy is pissed off and stops coming. Everyone else has got some kills except you and now you are all in the same boat again.
and besides all that, what on earth is the good of prolonging the depletion of this fuel? Even if half the world did the good deed of switching fuels the prices of oil would just get higher and last longer.
would we not eventualy get to a stage when such a small ammount of this fuel exists that it became worthy of being a museum exhibit rather than a source of power?
use it up. work new stuff out. evolve. as quickly as possible.